Chapter Eight: The Trail Ends/Phase One

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Anakin and Obi-Wan walked to the Docks on Coruscant, which were, thankfully, nearby. Ahsoka chose her hiding spot well, the younger Jedi thought. It’s close to the Docks, but also to the Jedi Temple. She could never alienate herself from it so quickly, since it’s where she spent most of her life.

 He was having no trouble thinking her name, but he and Obi-Wan both didn’t seem to be able to say it. Or maybe it was just his problem, and his old Master was omitting from saying her name to spare his feelings. That would make more sense.

  It was a windy day, making the Jedi cloaks billow at every gust. Then, out of nowhere, a piece of paper flew up and hit Anakin in the face. Muffling a cry of surprise, he swatted it away. But before it was blown somewhere else, he grabbed it.

  “What’s that?” asked Obi-Wan, looking at the paper and his friend’s shocked expression.

  “It’s one of my flyers.”

  “Do you remember where you put that one? I can sense that she held it for a few minutes.”

 “I feel it too, Master. Do you see that flaw in the corner of the image?” He pointed to where the ink had spilled on Ahsoka’s picture. “It’s the only one out of all of them that has it. I put it on the side of that building with the other wanted posters.”

 They walked over to the place he had mentioned, and both felt her presence. “It’s dated two days ago,” said Obi-Wan. “But the trail ends here.”

  “But, that can’t be it! There has to be something else!”

  “I’m sorry, Anakin, but there’s nothing more we can do.” He put a hand on his old apprentice’s shoulder. “Her presence just… vanishes.”

“We were so close…” He trailed off, saddened. Together, they began the walk back to the Jedi Temple.


 Ahsoka had waited patiently for a full sixteen hours, refusing any food or drink, at the disgusting side of Jabba the Hutt. But now, it was pas midnight, and all were asleep in the palace but.

  It was time to put her plan into action.

  Gently, so not to wake him, she moved away from Jabba’s side. Then, as quietly as she could, she used the Force to pull the collar in two different directions, snapping it. She put the broken collar and the chains down to the floor, took a water bottle off of a table, then left the room.

  Her soft leather boots made no noise on the tile of sandstone floors. But although Jabba was definitely stupid enough to have a Jedi as his slave-girl, he wasn’t stupid enough to leave his castle unguarded. Those oafish, pig-like creatures stood guard at every entrance, but most of them were either asleep or easy to sneak past.

  Soon, Ahsoka reached to entrance, but was faced with a problem. The enormous door was ray-shielded for the night, and she didn’t know the passcode to deactivate it. Now how to get past this? She wondered, but then had an idea. I’ll sneak out one of the windows!

 As she ran down the hallways, an open doorway made her stop. It was a laundry room. Although the lights inside were off, she could see what was inside. But, that was her red combat suit in the corner!

 Once she had changed, she wrapped the other outfit up in a blanket and put it into a cloth bag, along with the water from the main room. Then she opened the shutters on the window, and launched herself and the bag out into the night.

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