Chapter Eleven: Ahsoka's Tale

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Ahsoka was unconscious, drifting in a semi-visionary state, dreaming of strange things that would eventually cloud her future. Gradually, she began to open her eyes, but her vision was all blurry. From what she could see and feel, she was lying on a couch with a blanket in a dark room.

 But her memory wasn’t clouded at all. She had woken up to memories of the horrible betrayal of what had been her best friend, another padawan named Barriss Offee, and they were all painfully accurate. And Anakin, her beloved mentor… his expression when she had left him was stuck in her mind.

 She tried to get off the couch and walk, but promptly fell over, hitting a small table with a clatter. She wasn’t strong enough to stand. Lux, who must had heard the noise, rushed in to see what was the matter.

 “No, Ahsoka, you shouldn’t get up yet,” he said, as he picked her up and laid her back own. He then covered her up with a blanket. She blushed, thinking about how gentle his hands were, and blushed some more.

 “But I have to go. Both the Separatists and the Republic are looking for me. I can’t stay here!” she replied, agitated. She didn’t want to get him in trouble.

 He turned on a nearby light, and sat down next to her. “It’s no trouble. You’ve been taken off of the wanted list, for the Republic, at least.  You’ll be my guest here until you recover. What did you do to show up in such a state?”

 “Not eat for five days. But I don’t know if I will recover, Lux, after what I’ve been through these past two weeks.”

 Sensing immediately that something was wrong with his friend, he asked tentatively, “What did happen, Ahsoka?”

 That was just like him. He had undoubtedly already heard the story on the news, but he always wanted to hear the other side of the story. Taking a deep breath, she launched into the story of how she had wound up on the Senator’s doorstep.

 One day, as she explained, her Master and she were called from the frontlines of the Clone Wars, an intergalactic war between the Separatist forces and the Republic, to investigate a devastating explosion at the Jedi Temple. Once the person responsible, the wife of one of the workers at the Temple, had been apprehended, she had asked to speak with Ahsoka. The young padawan was then framed for having killed her by way of the Force, as well as several Clone Troopers.

 Running away from her those that were pursuing her, Anakin Skywalker amongst them, and hiding in the lower levels of Coruscant, she teamed up with Asajj Ventress, a former Sith assassin, who accompanied her to an abandoned warehouse. But she was then framed for being in possession of the explosives used to bomb the Temple, and captured.

In order to give her a less biased trial, the Jedi Counsel expelled Ahsoka, and turned her over to another court, where the Supreme Chancellor himself was the judge. While this took place, her Master did some digging and found out that Bariss Offee, another padawan and a close friend of Ahsoka’s, was the real mastermind. The Jedi Order asked Ahsoka back, but she no longer felt welcome there, feeling that she needed to deal with the psychological effects of the betrayal on her own.

Then she told him about her capture by Hondo and her adventures on Tatooine. “And that’s how I got here.” She gazed at him intently with her deep blue eyes. “You’re the only person I can trust now. Will you help me, or do I need to do this on my own?”

Her friend paused, reflecting this. “I will do whatever I can to help you, Ahsoka. What is it that you need?”

“I need to get back my lightsabers.”

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