Chapter Fifteen: A Hitch in the Plan

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Ahsoka and Lux, having reached the side of the Jedi Temple, got out their cable guns and fired them. They watched the shiny metal cords fly through the air in an arching formation before they succumbed to gravity and fell back down, their sharp edges hooking onto the ledge below the ventilation system. They then pulled their separate triggers and the guns began to pull them up towards the other end of the cables, and they literally ran up the wall. 

Soon, they had reached the top. Ahsoka gave her cable gun to Lux, who was now in charge of the backpack. Flexing her long, tan fingers, she looked around her, as Coruscant’s citizens went about their daily lives. They were over two thousand feet off the ground, with a magnificent view of the city that covered an entire planet. 

The control panel to the ray-shield was nearby. So, taking a deep breath, she extended her hand, and focused the Force through her fingertips and towards the panel. The little wheel that was in one corner that one ha to turn to deactivate the ray-shield shifted back, then forth, the back again, until the little light next to it flashed green. 

The ray-shield deactivated. 

Lux sighed, and Ahsoka wiped a little sweat from her brow. Contrary to popular belief, it took a lot of energy from a Jedi if they used the Force in such a way under stress. He popped the cover to the nearest circular vent and they slipped in.

They slid down the large vent and to the central ventilation system, at the very heart of the Jedi Temple. Above and below stretched a long way of tunnel, each end disappearing in inky blackness. The two intruders looked around. None of them had ever been in such a place. 

“So, from here, we go down. Pass me one of those cable guns,” said Ahsoka. His hand brushed hers as he handed it to her, and felt a shiver run down her spine. It was almost electric when then touched. It was incredible, just like that kiss… but she couldn’t think about that right now.

Once they were a good while down, they were about to pass one of the giant fans that they occasionally had to pass through. “This is the last one, but I know from the time that the bounty hunter Cad Bane broke into the Temple that this one’s motion censored. Watch yourself!” 

They reached the underside of the fan without difficulty, which was strange. It was a security measure, but none of them had been on, and it was a hot day. One would have expected them to be working overtime. “None of those fans should have been off, unless…”

“They knew we were coming,” finished Lux. “You’re right. Something is out of place here.” 

She paused, reflecting this. “Hm. Well, come on, the Memorial Room is this way.” She gestured to a vent on the other side of the wall. Swinging over towards it, they retracted their cabled and slid down. 

Quietly, the young Senator and the former Jedi slowed their descent and stopped, peering down into a vent cover. When taken off, it would lead directly through the ceiling of the Memorial Room. 

Ahsoka stifled a groan, for their break-in was suddenly a lot harder. There were people in the room: Masters Plo Koon and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who were supervising a large group of awed younglings.

Just my luck, thought Ahsoka. Two Master in there. And worse, two Masters that I know! If they sense us – or, me – then we’re goners. 

Putting a finger to her lips to tell Lux soundlessly to keep quiet, she leaned forward a little further, to check if there were any more Jedi nearby, particularly near the exit. But she bent over a little too far, and one of the cable guns fell from the backpack, that she was now in carrying, through the vent and into the space below.

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