Chapter Fourteen: Knights Conspire/Surprise Kiss

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“Masters, you don’t have to do this. I don’t want anyone else to get in trouble with the Council if we’re caught,” said Anakin. He looked at the faces of Obi-Wan, Master Yoda and Master Plo Koon, who were assembled in Master Yoda’s meditation room. 

“You’ll never succeed in confronting Ahsoka if you don’t allow us to help, young Skywalker,” replied Master Plo. “And we all know that if you don’t succeed, then you will never find balance.” 

“Master Plo is right, Anakin. Now what would you have us do?” 

Anakin spread a map of the Temple out on the table in front of them. “I already have it planned out. We just need to be in the right places at the right time.”


Ahsoka and Lux crept into the streets neighboring the Jedi Temple. Soon, they were within sight of the first security checkpoint, and could see some workers being let in. But suddenly, Lux pulled her aside and whispered:

 “Ahsoka, you never told what would happen if we get caught.”

 “Why on Coruscant are you asking me now?” she asked, irritated by the untimely question. “The worst is a life-time in jail, if you must know.” 

 “I – I just wanted to weigh the risks. Especially if one of them is never seeing you again.” He gave her that soulful blue-grey-eyed look that made her heart seem to fly through the atmosphere of Coruscant. “So in case we never meet up again…” 

 Then he leant in, cupped her face in his hands, and kissed her softly. Ahsoka blinked, shocked, feeling her insides melt and her face heat up, as well as the small matter of her legs turning to mush. It was the first time that anything like this had happened to her, and she honestly didn’t dislike it. It felt… nice. Warm and sweet. She wrapped her arms around him, kissing him back. 

 After a long, sweet kiss, they parted, equally embarrassed and both blushing furiously. “I’m sorry,” said Lux quietly. “We should just focus on the task ahead.” 

He started towards the security checkpoint, as the former padawan followed suite. A million and three thoughts were zooming around in her head, not unlike vulture droids, and would have been hard to subdue for a normal life form. But her training at the Temple had taught her how to completely banish any other thoughts except for those that were most important. And the most important one right that minute was to reclaim her lightsabers.

When they reached the checkpoint, Ahsoka and Lux put on a big pairs of goggles so that they wouldn’t be recognized. Their cloaks, which were smudged with soot, were going to be a vital part of the disguise. 

“Names and business.” The clone officer on duty, sitting behind a counter by the line that they were in, looked bored, like he had been doing this all day. 

“Linra Taak. I work with the boiler rooms and ventilation systems.” 

“Lem Botu. Same for me.” They both displayed their passes. 

The officer looked at their passes, then looked up at them again. “Where did you two say you worked? I’ve never seen you around here before.” 

“Um, we were just hired,” said Lux. 

The Trooper pushed a button on his comlink, and another man came over. “Sir, I’m not sure if these passes are valid.” 

“All right, people, show me your passes.” Ahsoka and Lux walked over to hand him their cards. 

“Our passes are valid. Move along,” Ahsoka whispered, with as almost non-existent wave of her hand. 

“Their passes are valid,” he said to the other clone. He handed their cards back. “Move along.” 

Breathing a sigh of relief, they put their passes in the backpack and walked towards the western side of the Temple. Their plan was going off without a hitch.

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