Chapter Nine: Almost Reunited

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Ahsoka took a speeder bike from the array of vehicles outside, and put her bundle into the baggage compartment. Then, strapping the pair of goggles she found under the seat to her face, she took off into the night.

 Tatooine was cold at night, but not unbearably so for a Jedi – or, ex-Jedi – on a mission. She just needed to get to Mos Eisley, board a ship, either legally or illegally, depending on how the situation presented itself.

  After an hour or so of riding, she reached the spaceport, which was pretty quiet, considering the hour. She left the bike in an abandoned alleyway, and went off to find herself shelter. She would need to sleep for a little while, because she would need all her wits about her tomorrow.

  A small, abandoned scrapyard turned out to be her resting place for the night. The spare parts were heaped in such a way that a hollow was made in the center of one of the piles. She wrapped herself up in the blanket and fell asleep.

  Five or six hours later, Ahsoka woke up to the sun streaming into her makeshift shelter. Before she got out of her warm blanket-cocoon, she decided to map out the phases of her plan in her head.

  Step One: escape Jabba the Hutt's palace. Check. Step Two: get to Mos Eisley. Check. Step Three: board a cargo ship to Onderon. Step Four: get to Lux Bonteri's place in Iziz and ask him to help her.

  Satisfied with her plan, she got up and packed up her blanket. Suddenly she realized that she hadn't eaten anything in nearly three days. That doesn't matter. All I am going to do is get to Onderon, she thought.

  Ahsoka put her bag on her back, and left the scrapyard. Further down the street, she noticed an old woman selling fruits and vegetables at a stand, and walked over to her. "Do you know where the ships to Onderon are?" she asked, her voice a little hoarse.

  "To Onderon? There's only one man, a merchant, who flies to Onderon every week, child. His ship is in the Docking Bay just down the street. Why do you ask?"

  "Um..." She would have to bluff. People on Tatooine were too curious sometimes. "My own ship broke down, and I want to visit a friend of mine in Iziz. I need to get there as soon as possible."

  "The man always stops on Felucia before he goes to Onderon to refuel and sell his merchandise."

 "Thank you." With a nod to the woman, she walked off down the street.

 She reached the Docking Bay, which was numbered 109, and hid behind a wall to watch the ships owners. They were preparing to leave, and loading up their cargo ship, a Zyggerian model that was plastered with stickers, with a few final crates.

  Ahsoka watched as the two merchants entered the ship. A few moments later, the hatch began to close. She executed an incredibly high Force-jump and made it through just before it shut completely. Then the ship took off.

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