Chapter Sixteen: Master Meets Apprentice

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A few inches away from the floor, Ahsoka managed to stop the cable gun’s descent and bring it down more slowly, so that it would make only the slightest of noises as it hit the ground. But, apparently, Master Plo heard the almost inaudible tic sound it made as it touched the tiled floor.

He bent to look at it, saying nothing. Then, with a tiny nod to Obi-Wan, the two Jedi started to usher the younglings out of the Memorial Room. Once the whole group was out of the room, they left as well, closing the door and turning off the light behind them.

“Let’s go!” whispered Lux, moving to take off the vent cover. But Ahsoka stopped him. 

“No, wait. There is something wrong with this picture. That’s the second time that our break-in has been made easier when it shouldn’t have been.” She turned towards him. “Lux, I think you should stay here.” 


“You have your whole life as Senator ahead of you. And I don’t want you to risk it all for me.” 

“No.” Lux was clearly hurt by what she said, but that didn’t change the way he felt about their little operation. “I promised you that I would see this through. I’m coming. No questions asked.” 

He was too stubborn for his own good sometimes, but his devotion touched her. It was really sweet. There was no talking him out of it, so she took off the vent cover and jumped out, with Lux just behind. 

They began to search through the exhibits of lightsabers. They were arranged in order of their age and who their owner was, and she could see the evolution of the lightsaber right up until the present design. But she couldn’t see hers anywhere. When they had gone through them all twice, she said, “They aren’t here.” 

Suddenly the door slid open, and she froze. Lux had the reflexes to dive behind one of the display cases before it had opened all the way, but Ahsoka stayed put as if her feet were glued there. A silhouette in flowing Jedi robes appeared at the entrance and slowly walked into the dark room. She couldn’t see who it was, but their presence was unmistakable. 



“I knew it.” Anakin Skywalker smiled coldly to himself, flicking off his hood. “Obi-Wan and Master Plo told me you were here.” 

“Anakin, I… I am so sorry,” said Ahsoka. 

“You just had to leave me. You just had to!” His lower lip trembled. He was mad, but not at her: he was mad at himself. Then his burst of anger melted, and he looked like he was trying not to cry. She had never seen him so emotionally unstable before. “Do you have any idea how much you mean to me? So much, Ahsoka.” 


“I know why you came back here. To get your lightsabers. You never really were yourself unless you had them with you,” he said, pulling them out from a fold in his cloak, but held onto them. “Are you completely sure that you want to leave it all behind? Your friends? Your family? Me?” 

“But, Snips – we want you to come back! I want you to come back. I’m not trying to talk you out of anything, but I feel like a part of me is gone.” 

He sank to the ground, sobbing. He felt so helpless. Ahsoka walked slowly over to him and sat beside him, putting her small, thin arms around him. For a few moments neither of them spoke, simply holding one another tightly. 

“Anakin, I learned so much from you, really, and I know that I could learn more, but… I don’t feel like it’s my destiny. I care about you so much, but the Force is guiding me elsewhere. I have to go.” Her eyes filled, and she got up and started to walk away, but her former Master called her back. 

“Take them,” he said, in between sobs. “Your lightsabers. You’ll need them more that I will.” 

“Thank you.” 

Anakin managed to stand, and took her hands, closing hers around the laser swords. He even remembered which one she liked to use in each hand. He knew her so well.

“Ahsoka, promise me something. When I see a full moon over Coruscant, I’ll think of you. So when you use your lightsabers, you think about me, and what I’ve taught you these last two years.” 

“I will. I’ll think about you even more that that.” She put her arms around him one last time, then let go. 

“And Lux is a good choice, you know. He’ll be good for you.”

She started when he said ‘a good choice’. What did he mean by it? “I’ll always care about you, Master.” 

“I know. I will too. And I’m so proud of you. Always remember that.” 

Helping Lux, who had come out of hiding, up the shaft, Ahsoka switched on her lightsabers for Anakin, then put them back on her belt, where they belonged. Her old Master gave her a little nod, and then his old apprentice jumped up that shaft and left him forever. Or so he thought…

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