Chapter Three: Wanted, Reward Offered

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Ahsoka arrived at Coruscant’s principal docks, milling around with the rest of the crowd of merchants, shoppers and export and import officials. Then she noticed something out of place. On the side of a building, there were several missing or wanted person posters. 

One had her name on it.

Walking in a nondescript fashion over towards the page, she discreetly took it off the wall. It said:

  Missing person: Ahsoka Tano. Went missing at sundown on (the previous day’s date). If you have any information at all, please contact Anakin Skywalker at the Jedi Temple. Reward of 50,000 Republic credits offered.

 She felt like someone had stuck a knife in her stomach. Anakin was looking for her! But, if he had put up flyers, then it would make her life a lot harder, because when there’s a reward, there are bounty hunters. And if she was without lightsabers, then she was vulnerable.

  She folded the page up and tucked it under her belt. Checking again to see if anyone had been watching her, she noticed a group of Clone Troopers asking pedestrians if they had seen the person in a hologram they had with them. She assumed it was of her. One man pointed in her direction, but she had already melted into the shadows by the time the Troopers had looked over.

  Ahsoka slipped through the alleyway that she had chosen to hide in. “Hm. I could use a better view,” she said to herself, and she scaled a nearby building up to its roof. There, she would be able to see if the Clone Troopers at the Docks were getting closer to her location or not.

  They stayed where they were, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Then something hit her on the back of the head, and she blacked out.

 Ahsoka awoke a half an hour later to a dimly lit room. She was bound by electro-magnets, dangling limply from the source on the ceiling. Against her better judgment, she tried to slip out of the cuffs.

  She was rewarded with a painful electric shock racing down her spine. She yelped, but as soon as it had come, it stopped. She looked up to see someone holding the electro-magnetic remote in one hand. Her eyes narrowed. “Hondo Ohnaka. What a lovely surprise.”

  “Greetings, young Jedi. Or wait, are you a Jedi any more, or not? I just don’t have the time to get the details straight. It’s not good for my business,” said Hondo, with some of his men, armed, standing behind him.

  A Weequay pirate captain and a resourceful spice smuggler, he was not to be underestimated. She knew this well, because the man, at one time or another had captured count Dooku, her old Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi and even she herself.

  “No. I’m not.” She looked away for a moment. “But what do you want with me? Why take me hostage?”

  “Well, you must be very misinformed if you don’t know anything about the prices that the Republic and Separatists have put on your head! I’m still deciding which one to turn you over to when I collect my reward.”

  “You sleemo of a–” She cut off and started cursing and swearing in her native Togruta. She didn’t know how much of it he understood, but some of the words were fairly obvious and common in everyday speaking.

  “My, aren’t we feisty today,” he said, and his people laughed. “Well, this time, our little business ventures are going to end in more profitable circumstances. For me, though, not for you. I do not like to share.”

  He made some sort of a hand signal, and one of the thugs hit her with the butt of a gun on her head. Darkness closed in on her vision.

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