Chapter Eight: Padme's Reminder

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A few hours later, after Ahsoka’s requests had been fulfilled and she had talked to the people who had to know that she was awake as soon as possible, Anakin was walking past her room. Lux had refused to leave her side for even one minute unless she sent him away, which had only happened twice so far. The first was to get her clothes, and the second was to fetch her a snack.

He stopped by the door, and had his hand poised to knock, but he suddenly heard quiet laughter through the door. It was Ahsoka’s cute little giggle, and it was followed quickly by Lux’s deeper tone.

He positioned himself such a way that if the door opened suddenly, he wouldn’t look like he had been eavesdropping, but could still hear what was going on. He smiled, but didn’t want to interrupt.

He could hear the creak of bedsprings as someone – probably Lux – crashed down on her bed. There were more laughs, and then an extremely suspicious silence. He listened even closer, and could have sworn he heard them kissing.

He rolled his eyes and stepped away, continuing down the hall. He would leave them to it. He knew – or had known, he reminded himself with a sigh – what the jubilance of having someone you loved back felt like. Sometimes he wouldn’t have seen Padme in months when he was off fighting in the war. And when they were back together again, there had always been a celebration.

A celebration that usually involved kissing.

Anakin was overcome by waves of sadness. It was like he was the shore, and they were one of the lakes on Naboo. He was slowly being worn away. It had gotten better over the past three years, but he still missed Padme terribly.

He stopped walking, going to sit down in the alcove of one of the tall windows. The glass was only one-way, so he could see out, but people on the outside couldn’t see in. It was just another one of the many security features that Ahsoka had put in place.

As he stared at the view, even though the Utamar region of Cialone looked nothing like Naboo, for a second he could almost see that time when Padme had been wearing her beautiful, delicate yellow dress and they had gone for a picnic. As the memory played out in front of him, a few tears, that were a mix of joy and grief, ran down his face.

“I miss you, Angel,” he said, and slumped down in his alcove.

“I miss you more, Anakin.”

“Padme!” he cried, jumping up. There she was, standing a few feet away, wearing the same water-like dress and coat, the same white flowers in her hair.

She smiled like the Angel he knew she was. But then it was replaced with a look of concern. “You have to tell her, Ani. She has to know about what you’ve seen.”

He stiffened, remembering the horrible dreams that had been plaguing him for the last year. “Padme, I know that this apparition… that you’re just some extension of my mind that is meant to soothe me. But Ahsoka just got back! She and Lux are happy, for once! I can’t take that away from them again! There will be time for heroics like that when she gets better…"

If she gets better. I think that there is more to her condition than you realize. You need to stop sheltering her. There is something wrong with her.”

Angry tears suddenly began to jump from his eyes. “She will get better! And can you blame me for trying to protect her? I tried to protect you, I tried with all my might, and I still failed. I couldn’t save you. And that’s why I try harder every time.”

“Which is my point exactly. You can’t hide what you found forever, Anakin. That was why you failed last time. I know that you’ve seen what’s in that Sith holocron that Ahsoka has hidden in her room, and it’s a miracle that you’re still alive.” She paused for a moment. “She has to know.”

Anakin felt himself breaking down under what he called her ‘Senator Amidala’ stare. “Fine. I’ll tell her tonight. They should at least have today to be happy.”

She nodded, and disappeared. Then he whispered, “You’re wrong, Padme. What my Snips doesn’t know can’t hurt her. I won’t tell her until I know the whole story.”

And with that, he wiped his tears away and continued down the corridor.

*Oooh... What does Anakin know? What is he hiding? Will his and Amni's secrets be found out in the wrong ways? Because nothing stays hidden forever...

Silly little narration thing. Again. To make up for not being able to make this into a tv special or something. And I am SO SO SO SO SO sorry that I didn't get to update, but it's personal. I'll get back to writing now.

Get shocked by Sith Lightening and may the Force be with you,


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