Chapter Fifteen: Ahsoka's Surprise

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It had been about three and a half hours since Lux had left Ahsoka’s room, since the computer glitch was taking longer to solve than he had expected. And he missed her. They had been able to hold each other for less than a day, and he already had to leave her side.

He honestly didn’t know what he was complaining about, due to the fact that he had been alone, without the love of his life, for three years. Surely he could wait a little longer. But the strange feeling of longing from this morning was back, making his desire to be with her again spike.

And then he remembered that she had wanted him to get Amni. In all the craziness with looking through the Death Star plans and the other military secrets provided by Vader, it had been overlooked. He didn’t know why, but it seemed like the young Jedi Healer was hiding something…

Suddenly Semm raced in, nearly tripping over his own feet. He was clumsy at pretty much everything except fighting with a blaster or a lightsaber and fixing machines. “Lux, I’ve figured out what the problem is!” he said, and proceeded to go through a series of computer words too long and complicated for him to register.

He hereby blamed Amni for waking him. He hadn’t slept enough.

Semm finished his monologue, and Lux looked up. It must have looked like he had been thinking about what Semm was saying, but in truth he had blanked out for the entire thing. So he just smiled and nodded like he understood.

“I’ll take care of it,” the Cerean finished. “I can see that you’re a little tired. Big day, huh? You go get some rest.”

Relieved to be dismissed, Lux shut down his computers and left the room. A little tired? He thought. Understatement of the century.

But, by some strange and mysterious power that Lux didn’t quite understand, he suddenly felt his energy returning. Had he not been a twenty-three year old man with a reputation to uphold, he would probably have run down the hallway. He was so excited to see Ahsoka, and picked up the pace a little.

After what felt like ages – but was really only fifteen minutes – Lux finally arrived at the door to Ahsoka’s room. He thought about knocking, because she might have been changing or something, but he decided just to open the door.

His eyes widened. She had lit a few sweet smelling, but not overpoweringly so, candles, which were on different flat surfaces around the room. The only lighting in the room came from the candles, and was romantically dim. Ahsoka was lying on the bed, wearing her favorite fluffy brown bathrobe, but she was lying in such a way that surprised him. It was almost… seductive.

“Hey, Lux,” she said, rising from the bed. Wait, rising?

It took him a moment to process it all. “You… you can walk?”

She nodded, and walked – no, glided – over to where he stood. It was like he was in a dream. “I’ve been practicing,” was all the explanation she offered.

Standing on tiptoe, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Then she suddenly pulled him down and kissed him hard on the lips. He wasn’t expecting the kiss, but he returned it anyways. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close and nearly lifting her off her feet.

Ahsoka pulled back gently, not breaking their steady stream of passionate kisses. She was leaning toward the bed, slowly leading him towards it. He knew what she wanted. The feeling was definitely mutual.

She lay down, waiting patiently for Lux to get changed. Soon he was wearing his favorite pair of pants and undershirt to sleep in, and climbed in bed with her. She began her assault of sweet kisses again, running her fingers through his hair. He cupped one side of her face in his hand, and wrapped around her small waist.

He pulled away for a moment, smiling. “What is it?” Ahsoka asked.

With a wave of his hand, the door slid shut behind him. “We forgot to close up,” he said. “Imagine if one of the younglings saw us! They’re be scarred for life!”

“Well… Crisis averted,” she replied. He smiled, kissing her on the neck just a little below her chin.

Lux looked into her sea-blue eyes. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this.”

She kissed the tip of his nose lightly. “I know. That’s why I went to all this trouble!”

He pulled her into another kiss, and he felt like he was falling in love with his beautiful fiancée all over again. Because that was what happened when you loved someone that much, and he sure as the Force did.

*Together again... But will the peace be shattered, Lux and Ahsoka's happiness crushed? The Darkness that put Ahsoka's midichlorians out of balance will return, and sooner than our heroes think. And what has become of Anakin and his son Luke? Can he be the father the young boy has always dreamed about, or will the truth be told? Find out in the next chapter of the Unchronicled Adventures of Ahsoka Tano!

Shock your Sith apprentice with Sith lightening and may the Force be with you,


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