Chapter Forty-Four: Calling All Units/ The Duel

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Lux sat up groggily. It took him a moment, but he soon remembered where he was and what he had happened. There was some sort of hot, think liquid on his face, and he carefully brought a hand to it. His fingers came back red. Groaning, for the entire right side of his face was covered in his own blood, he lay down again.

There was also some sort of nearly unbearable pain coming from his leg. He didn’t want to look, because he had only just avoided throwing up the last time, but he did anyways. And what he saw was a mess.

There was a thin piece of metal stuck in his leg, which had already soaked the fabric of his pants below it straight through. He suddenly felt dizzy, probably due to the amount of blood he had lost. But despite all things, he managed to scoot up onto a nearby rock. He wasn’t able to put any weight on his leg.

Making sure that no one was nearby – both Amni and Christo were on a nearby ridge, watching for intruders – he reached into one of his sweater pockets, and pulled out a small holo-transmitter. Plugging the access code of Commander Cody’s cruiser into the hologram that came up, he waited for it to load.

“Come on,” he whispered to the transmitter. “Don’t fail me now.” After a few tense seconds of waiting, there was a signal. Thanking the skies, he waited for someone to pick up. In a moment Cody appeared.

“This is General Bonteri. Please come in,” he said into its speaker. Even though he wasn’t technically a Jedi General like the ten or so Masters in the New Jedi Order, everyone had unanimously agreed that he should have some sort of military rank. Or at least part-time.

“General, we read you,” Cody said.

“Are your men ready?” he asked.

“We have three cruisers waiting in a neighboring system. Should we depart?”

“Yes. Be prepared for immediate evac. There are several of us here, and–” He winced as hi leg gave a sudden throb. “Be sure to bring medical supplies.”

He nodded. “Yes General. We’ll be there within the hour. Cody out.”

Lux sat back, preparing for the wait. He tried meditating, but the sharp pain from his forehead and leg, and the sounds of the lightsaber duel going close by, were keeping him from concentrating properly. Not to mention that he had never been very good at it anyways, with his political mind that was always in overdrive mode. 

“You can do it, Socks,” he whispered. “Just hold on a little longer.”


Ahsoka and Maul exchanged a more blows, then she jumped high up into the air, doing a backflip as she rose. She used the Force to delay gravity’s pull on her for as long as she possibly could, then let go all at once. But her fall was controlled, and she landed right behind him.

Back to back, Sith and Jedi locked sabers again, and, as she struggled to keep the red blade away from her, her eyes met with Amni’s. She could tell that the young Jedi Healer was afraid for her.

She smiled to reassure her, and nodded her head towards the girl’s saber, which was lying in the sand nearby. Amni picked it up, then ran over the rocky hill. She was presumably going back to wherever Lux was. But she couldn’t wonder about it right now. She had a duel to win.

*Lux has successfully called for reinforcements. But will they arrive in time? What tricks could Maul have up his sleeve? And Lux has been severely injured. Will he get the supplies he needs to heal in time? And what has become of Anakin? You'll find out in the next amazing chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Discover that your mother was taken captive by Sand People who have been torturing her for a month and may the Force be with you,


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