Chapter Forty-Nine: Padme's Explanation

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The Rebel Troopers had set up a base in the middle of the Dune Sea to await further orders. According to what Commander Cody had told Ahsoka, they hadn’t actually brought the full extent of their troops. There were maybe two or three legions, but that was it.

He had said that it had been Lux’s idea. His plan had been simply to bring in enough troopers to scare any possible unfriendlies away from the Jedi that Cody was to pick up. Simple, but effective.

Ahsoka sat in the medical bay next to Lux, who was asleep on medical sedatives, thinking this over. He had apparently been planning an emergency pickup even before he left. His foresight had definitely been appreciated by all.

She looked at his calm, sleeping face. He had needed stiches in about four areas, but thanks to an hour or two in a bacta tank that had been brought down from one of the cruisers, his wounds were nearly healed.

But she was still worried for him. If she had tried harder, if she had fought harder then maybe she would have been able to avoid all this. It was a slap in the face from her piloting abilities and her skills with a lightsaber. Thanks to that, Lux had gotten badly hurt in the crash and her shoto had been chopped in half.

Suddenly the door to Lux’s room opened. Ahsoka looked up to see a figure wearing a cloak that covered their eyes walk in. She had seen them before with Anakin, but she wasn’t sure who it was. They were masking their presence. But if they were with Anakin, then they could be trusted, therefore she felt no fear.

She planted a quick kiss on Lux’s lips, telling him that she would be back, then walked over to see the person in the doorway. “Who are you?” she asked them. It looked like a woman, based on their height and figure, but the loose clothing they were wearing made it hard for her to be sure.

They threw off their hood, freeing a veritable mane of chestnut-brown curls. “You know me, Ahsoka. I’m former Senator Padme Naberrie Amidala Skywalker.”

Ahsoka stood there, her mouth hanging open. It took her a moment to get over her absolute stupefaction, but eventually she could speak Galactic Basic again. “Padme! Oh, Padme! It’s really you!” she cried, running into the Nubian Senator’s waiting arms. Happy tears ran down her face.

“It is, my darling Ahsoka,” Padme said, hugging her tight. After a long moment of happy tears and a long embrace, she pulled the younger woman to arm’s length. “And I’m so happy I can finally see you again!”

“But… How? How are you alive? How long have you been back? Why couldn’t you see me before?” The questions flowed from her mouth almost faster than she could process them.

“It’s a long story, and those responsible for my return won’t let me tell you everything,” Padme said. “But I will tell you this: I came back about a month after my supposed ‘death’. I can’t really explain how, but I received some form of spiritual enlightenment. I was then told to wait for further instructions. When the time was right, my superiors told me they would bring me to you and Anakin. I was free to do what I pleased until then, and so I became the nurse and governess of the young Princess Leia of Alderaan.”

“But who are your superiors? Why are they the ones telling you what to do?”

Padme shook her head. “I can’t really tell you who, but they are strong with the Force and have powers beyond our imagination some of which they gave me. And they don’t tell me what to do, exactly. It’s more that they tell me what’s going to happen next in the course of history, and then they ask me to either sit by or participate in certain events. They were the ones who showed me another possible future with Anakin, but from different eyes. And I’ll never forget it.”

Ahsoka nodded. She didn’t fully understand, but she didn’t need to. Anakin had been wrong when he said that what she didn’t know couldn’t hurt her, but in this case it was okay. After she hadn’t gone out on street corners and told the whole world about what had happened all those years ago on Mortis. Padme was just telling her enough to satisfy her curiosity.

“I think I understand. Or at least, I do a little bit. I’m just… overjoyed to see you again. You have no idea how much I’ve missed you. You were always like a mother to me, Padme,” Ahsoka said, burying her face in her shoulder.

“I know, because I think of you as a daughter. And, speaking of family, I understand that you’re to be married…”

*Ahsoka has the mother figure she so desperately needed back in her life. But will the happiness last? Maul's plans are certainly advancing, but to what end? And will Lux get better? You'll find out in the nxt chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Ahhhhh, now that was a nice chapter to write! And what you saw there was some spoilers for Wide Awake, my other Star Wars fanfiction. Man, now I REALLY have to update that...

Become the Senator for your homeworld and vote against the Military Creation Act and may the Force be with you,


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