Chapter Forty-One: Towards The Dark/ The Trap

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A look that no amount of torture in the galaxy could equal crossed Ahsoka’s face, and she cradled her head in her hands. “No…” she whispered. “No, he can’t be dead! He can’t! He just can’t! THIS ISN’T POSSIBLE!!” Her words ended in a shriek.

Suddenly her eyes turned yellow, and Anakin jumped away, taking Amni with him. She cowered behind him, and the Force told him that she had seen this before. He was about to ask her how, when Ahsoka suddenly started shifting in and out of the visible spectrum.

NOOOOOOOO!!!” A sandy tornado started to form around her, lifting her a few feet into the air. The raw power of the Dark Side fueling it nearly made him faint. Her stone glowed a sinister red. “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!” she screamed.

“No! Ahsoka, I swear, I didn’t–” Suddenly he was caught in a chokehold. It came one of her hands. She pulled him up a full three feet in the air. As he clawed uselessly at his neck, she used her other hand to pull his lightsaber from his belt.

A split-second before he would have lost consciousness, she let go of him. He fell to his knees, panting and gasping for air. She stopped her tornado, and sank lightly to the sandy ground. With the all the grace of a predator, she ignited her lightsaber and his, making an X shape right over his neck.

Green and white. Colors of good in the hands of one gone evil.

“And now, Skyguy, you’re going to pay.”


Luke sat up suddenly. He had felt… well, he didn’t know what. But it was painful, both to him and to whom or whatever it was coming from.

He scrambled from the lap of the nice lady – the one they all called Padme – where he had been sitting, and ran to the window. They had all been trying to keep him and Biggs interested inside, but they were hiding something. His aunt and uncle did it too when there was something bad going on that they didn’t want him to find out about.

His big blue eyes saw more than anyone gave them credit for, and the feeling hadn’t been wrong. He was just in time to see Hayden disappear. He blinked in surprise. One minute his friend had been there, and then the next he was gone.

The only thing he could liken it to was drops of water falling into a bowl or a cup. It rippled a few times, then disappeared, blending into the surrounding landscape. If Luke looked closely, he could still see a little bit of a blur, but he couldn’t see where it ended and where it began.

“Am I dreaming?” he whispered to himself. “Did I get too much sun yesterday, or something?”

Ben came and pulled him away from the window, pulling the shutters closed. He slithered out of his arms, and pushed them open again. “Ben, Ben! Hayden just disappeared! I swear he did! I saw him!”

“That’s not possible,” the old man said, but Luke heard something else. He thought that he had said it aloud as well, but he couldn’t be sure. It was something about a ship with a cloaking device

“What’s a cloaking device?” Luke asked.

Ben froze. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I think you do. I’ve heard what the space pilots say about them. They say that some person named General Kenobi first started using them to trick an enemy leader in the Clone Wars.” Ben sat down very slowly, and he clambered over Jayl’s sleeping body to sit next to him again. “Was he related to you?”

Ben paused, but that spoke a thousand words to young Luke. “No. I’ve never heard of him. I know the story, though, but I’m sure you haven’t heard it told the way I have. Would you like to hear it?”

Everyone was looking at them. “No, no! Ben, please, Hayden’s in danger! He just walked into a… a trap of some kind! I can feel it! Someone has to get help!”

Ben nodded at Jayl and Rex, who nodded back. Then the two of them, along with Padme, left quickly through the back door. Luke stayed put, but as soon as Ben’s guard was down, he opened the shutters again. Then, choosing to leave Biggs behind, he jumped out the window and followed them.

*Ahsoka has turned to the Dark SIde, and is blaming Anakin for Lux's death. Having disarmed him and is ready to kill him, will she be able to finish it? Or will she turned back? And Luke has realized that Anakin is in danger. Could it be that this is all a trap, or an illusion of some kind? You'll find out in the next amazig chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Finally, something from Luke's POV! I wanted to write a chapter or two with him telling the story, but I didn't have the means earlier. Now I do!

Become an Jedi General for the Republic after your Knighting and may the Force be with you,


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