Chapter Four: The MALM's Conclusion

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Amni stayed at Ahsoka’s side for the next four hours, watching her tirelessly. There was absolutely no change in her condition. It was almost as if she was simply sleeping with her eyes open. Her eyes didn’t move to look at anything else, or blink even once.

As Amni watched, she debated on whether or not to wake Lux and tell him. She knew that she should let him sleep, but he would probably kill her if he found out. She couldn’t reach a decision, therefore didn’t move.

The fact that her eyes were suddenly the same color as those of the Sith was also something she worried about. Why had she woken up with her eyes that color? She had researched just about every disease that could be caused by lectrosterine in liquid form, but none of the symptoms matched Ahsoka’s condition. Therefore she was starting to get a little scared.

Eventually, she was forced to take the chance of leaving her patient’s side. She needed to get a piece of specialize equipment to run another test.

A few minutes later, she was back with a small, shiny metal box. It was something that she had bribed Semm to build after having given him the parts to do so. The nineteen-year-old Cerean had a soft spot for sweets, and it was well know that if you gave him enough, you could get him to do pretty much anything.

It was a Midichlorian Analysis and Location Machine, or MALM for short, and the first of its kind. She claimed credit for inventing it, but Semm had fine-tuned the design and put the components together.

What it was designed to do was – as in its name – to find and analyze midichlorians. Before the attack on the Jedi Temple on Coruscant five years ago, she had looked into several studies that had been conducted with midichlorians. For an extracurricular project, she had done an experiment based on her research, and discovered that midichlorians vibrated on different frequencies. Midichlorians allied with the Dark Side of the Force vibrated at a lower and deeper frequency than those allied with the Light Side. She had then come up with the prototype for an invention that analyzed a life form’s midichlorians to figure out which Side of the Force they were stronger with.

She had had high hopes that it would even be able to root out evil agents of the Dark Side, but the Jedi Council had confiscated her documents before she had had the chance to finish. They claimed that finding the Sith wasn’t something that a padawan should have been concerned about. Fortunately, she had made another copy of her files before her work was taken away, and had been waiting for the right time to continue her research. These last three years had been that chance, and now the MALM was ready for use.

She pushed a button on the underside of the box, and the sheets of metal folded away to reveal a hand-sized computer chip that was hooked up to a small hypothermic needle and to a wristband. In order to work properly, the machine had to be clipped onto the patient by the wristband to measure some of the body’s functions, such as the pulse, heartbeat, and a few others.

Carefully, she disinfected the needle and stuck it into Ahsoka’s arm. She took a little bit of blood, and watched as the machine’s ultrathin lasers scanned the sample. Within a moment, the analysis had been completed. She put a small bacta patch on the puncture mark, and looked back at the machine.

“MALM four-twenty-three, I need the midichlorian vibration frequency test results now,” she said into the chip’s speaker.

“Processing…” came the machine’s chipper voice. After a moment it continued. “Results obtained. Amount of midichlorians per cell: fifteen thousand.”

Amni nodded in approval. It was a good number for a Force-sensitive being to have. Not too high, and not too low.

“Percentage of midichlorians vibrating at lower frequencies per cell: forty-nine percent.” Amni nearly jumped out of her skin. She felt like she was going to be sick. That was nearly half Dark Side! And there was no one she knew who was more allied with the Light than Ahsoka! What had happened to her in that coma?

“Percentage of midichlorians vibrating at higher frequencies per cell: fifty-one percent. Do you require any other assistance?”

Amni put her head in her hands. “No. No, initiate shut down mode.”

The machine shut itself off, and she put it back in its box, trembling. She sank into the chair by her bed. Her worst fears had been realized. Ahsoka was only two percent away from being dominated by the Dark Side.

Suddenly she heard a cough beside her. Her head snapped up, and she looked at Ahsoka’s face. It almost looked like her eyes were flushing back to blue. The red and yellow color was soon gone, replaced by her usual light blue, and she was blinking and looking around. “Lux…” she whispered.

“I’ll get him,” Amni said, her mauve eyes wide. She got up and left the room.

She couldn’t believe it. Ahsoka was awake.

*DUN DUN DUUUUUUN!!!! AHSOKA'S AWAKE!!!! Hands up if you thought that it was romantic that the first thing she said was 'Lux'! And she's just barely dominated by the Light Side of the Force. What consequences will this have on our heroes? Will Ahsoka find her way back to the Light? You'll find out soon!

Get thrown into the Rancor pit by Jabba's thugs and may the Force be with you,


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