Chapter Seven: Standing Tall, Or Not At All

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About half an hour later, Amni came back to Ahsoka’s room, this time pulling a very sleepy-looking Anakin Skywalker and Christopherus Kruger behind her. Ahsoka watched from her place on her bed, curled up in Lux’s arms, as they went bug-eyed as they caught sight of her. That definitely woke them up.

They practically ran through the door, enveloping her and Lux in a group hug. She was a little squished in the center, but was still absolutely overjoyed. She had all of her closest friends back now.

Anakin gave her one last squeeze, then pulled so he could look at her. There were happy tears in his eyes. “Oh, Snips! You… You’re back! I can’t believe it!”

“I can’t either!” she said joyfully. “And Christo… It’s so good to see you all!”

Christo bumped his forehead against hers gently. It had been another Clawmouse Clan tradition. “I missed you, Ahsoka. We all did.”

Ahsoka looked at him and smiled. But then she noticed something strange about her old Master. “Anakin, what happened? Amni and Lux and Christo all look older, but you haven’t changed a bit!”

“I know,” he said. “I don’t get it any more than you do. I haven’t actually aged since… since I came back. And I mean not at all.”

She bit her lip, thinking this over. “It’s okay. We’ll figure it out later. But for now, I want to get out of this hospital gown. It’s not very form-flattering, to be honest.”

They all laughed, but Amni suddenly walked in, interrupting their conversation. “No, not yet. You may be awake, Master Tano, but you can’t leave for another few days.”

Ahsoka shot her the biggest and most beautiful puppy eyes that she could muster. After a few moments, the Jedi Healer broke down. “Okay, fine. You can stay in your room on bed rest, but that’s the best I can do.”

Satisfied, she smiled. “Can I try to stand?” she asked. It had just occurred to her that she hadn’t been up on her own two feet in three years, and that was a slightly discomforting thought.

Amni looked unsure for a moment, but said, “All right. I need to know what the status is with your leg muscles and ligaments anyways. But…”

Ahsoka reasoned that she had probably been about to say that she wanted someone to help her, but Lux was already at her side and offering her his arm. Grabbing hold of him, she scooted to the edge of the bed, and slowly put her feet on the floor.

“Take it slowly,” Lux said, kissing her cheek. Carefully, she shifted her weight onto her feet. Leaning heavily on Lux, she stood. She stumbled, and nearly collapsed, but Lux caught her in time.

“I can’t…” She looked up at Lux, despaired. “If I can’t stand, then I can’t walk, I can’t fight… and I can’t lead.”

“It’s okay,” he said softly. “You don’t remember not standing for three years, but your body does. It will take some time for your legs to work again.”

Her eyes filled, and he helped her back down to the bed. She could tell by everyone’s expressions that the mood had been dampened considerably.

Ahsoka blinked her tears away, feeling her motherly instinct kick in. “It will be all right, guys. This is a happy moment. But there are a few things that would make it better for me. Anakin, find me something to eat. Christo, tell Windu and Zadyn that I’m awake and to come see me as soon as they can. Lux, run back to my room and get me something other than this hospital gown to put on.”

As they walked away to do what she had asked them, Amni sat down on the bed next to her. “You can make it through this, Ahsoka. I have no doubt that you’ll make a full recovery.” But the smile on her face was only almost convincing.

“But you do have doubts. Amni, you saw something when I was in the coma. Tell me what it is.” She shot the younger Twi’lek woman a piercing stare.

After a moment of silence, Amni looked up, her face nearly expressionless. “Nothing, Master. Only the passing concerns that a doctor has for their patient. You have to concentrate on getting well, and I will concentrate on helping you do so.”

Ahsoka didn’t buy it, but she let Amni go. The young Healer was hiding something, but it wasn’t going to stay hidden for long. She would make sure of that.

*Oooooohhhh.... Amni's hiding something..... But what? Will Ahsoka be able to figure it out? Or will the Jedi Healer's impassive demeanor be able to weather any storm?

Sorry... I can't help it, I'm like ALWAYS doing these silly little narratives after each chapter like at the end of tv shows... Well, I always did imagine these as movies, and I can even think of a few actors to play the parts. Don't ask, but I see Lux as either Daniel Cudmore or maybe, AND I REPEAT MAYBE, Josh Hutcherson. Hayden Christensen as Anakin, obviously, and Natalie Portman as Padme, but idk for Ahsoka...

But I'm still weighing my options, hoping aginst all hope that someday I'll go to a movie premiere and see THE UNCHRONICLED ADVENTURES OF AHSOKA TANO, EPISODE ONE flash across the screen. I'm such a geek and proud of it! ;p

And besides, this is my dad's fault. He's a producer, he puts these ideas in my head.

Rescue a princess from the Imperial Starfleet's deadliest battle station and may the Force be with you,


PS: Sorry about the long author's note! But hey, a girl can dream!

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