Chapter Seventeen: A Discussion With Lux/ Rising Evil

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Ahsoka woke up slowly. She was happy, finding herself curled up next to Lux. Shirtless, he looked like he had been watching over her as she slept.

She looked herself over. She was wearing a dark blue top with spaghetti straps and a little pair of grey shorts, that seriously contrasted her blue-and-white stripped lekku and montrals. And she was so comfortable. It was nice just to be warm and cozy with Lux. And the memories of what they had been doing the night before were sweet to think about too…

“G’morning,” she mumbled, but was cut off by a kiss. Lux ran a hand up and down her back gently, pulling her to him with the other. She kissed him back tenderly, running her fingers through his hair.

She could feel the sort of pleasurable warmth, accompanied by the electric tingle, spread throughout her body, which she would always get when they kissed. But after a few moments, they broke apart. “Wow, talk about a nice ‘good morning’, Lux.” She smiled at him, and tried to sit up, but he pulled her down again.

“Come on, we have a little time on our hands,” he whispered, sneaking a kiss on her cheek.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. “I need to get the others up, Lux. Someone will notice if I’m not there, or if I don't answer the door.” 

“Fine,” he huffed.

She kissed him quickly, then got out of bed. “Lux, I need to tell you something.” She turned around, putting her usual outfit down on the bed beside him.

“Yeah?” he mumbled, getting up and standing next to her. “What is it, Ahsoka?”

She bit her lip, suddenly uncomfortable. “I mean, it’s probably a stage that all women go through at some point, but… I want a child, Lux.”

He reflected on this for a moment, then nodded. “I get it. I’ve been getting this feeling ever since you woke up from your… well, you know. Like you were having a bit of baby-craze. You’re not the only one of us two who wants to start a family.” He rubbed her arm gently.

“It’s just… I think we’re ready to be parents. Or, at least, I am,” she said.

He kissed her briefly, tilting her face up to his. He had to, after all, because he was nearly six feet tall, and, if one didn’t count her montrals, she was a full six inches shorter than him.

“Mmh-hmn. I am too, Ahsoka. Now let’s get ready.”


Shima gazed out at the Jedi colony on Cialone from a solitary peak. She was beginning to get impatient. Her Master was taking forever to arrive. She tried to quiet her thoughts, but the Dark Side of the Force burned too strongly inside her to allow that anymore.

So instead she let them rage.

What irked her was overhearing certain conversations, informing her that Ahsoka Tano was awake. It had taken her three days of careful planning and reconnaissance in order to find that tiny window of opportunity to stick the toxic dart in her, and the little Togruta was supposed to be dead.

But more and more, Shima got the feeling that her Master had lied. That the poison had only been a serum designed to plunge its target into a coma, along with several other side effects that she didn’t care to remember.

The pace of her Master’s plan was agonizingly slow. She could be patient, but only with some difficulty. This wait was trying what little she had.

Finally, she saw a shape climbing the hill towards her. On closer inspection, it was a young Zabrak boy of maybe fourteen or fifteen years old. Was this the host that her Master had chosen to inhabit?

“Yes,” the boy said, answering her question. But instead of a child’s voice, there was the soft, calculating tone belonging to her Master. “It is I, apprentice.”

She promptly knelt to the rocky ground. “What is thy bidding, my Master?”

“That’s better. I have news from the Temple. Something happened to Ahsoka Tano last night. Something that will aid in our plans greatly.”

“May I ask what this is, Master?” she asked, getting up.

“You are not privy to this information yet. Now, do you have my lightsaber?”

Shima handed him the precious object. It had taken her some time and effort to find it, including the infiltration of several top-secret facilities on Coruscant. The Emperor clearly didn’t want it found. She had kept it under lock and key, as her Master had bid her, until the time was right, and he had found a suitable host.

“Now, my apprentice,” he said, turning on the lightsaber. The blood red glow lit his host's face eerily. “Our little game can begin. And I can assure you that we hold all of the cards.”

*DUN. DUN. DUUUNNNN!!!! What is the game that the Master spoke of? And just who are these Sith? Are they new enemies, or foes the New Jedi have faced before? And how will Anakin take to getting to know his son? An unexpected visitor might change a few things... You'll find out what in the next thrilling chapter of the Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Yay! I have like NO HOMEWORK!! *knocks on wood* I just have to make sure that it stays that way... And because I have no homework, I can write and hopefully post another two chapters tonight. Not promising anything, though. I'm not at home at the moment, and I miss my laptop where I can check if any of my FAVORITE authors here on Wattpad have updated their stuff. You see, my online email is a little tempermental.

May the Force be with you,


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