Chapter Six: Wide Awake Again

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Ahsoka smiled, but she couldn’t help but notice that Lux looked different… older, and more stressed. She strained against the band, trying to get to him.

His eyes were wide, and he seemed to be frozen in place. In a moment though, he snapped out of it, and took a few slow steps forwards. Eventually he was standing right next to the bed. Almost mechanically, he sat down next to her. He pushed a button beside him, and the belt released her.

His strange behavior puzzled her. This wasn’t like him at all. “Lux, what happened to me? How long was I…”

Ahsoka didn’t get any further, because he had tentatively put a hand on her cheek. Looking up at him, she stopped talking, and slowly reached out to wrap her arms around him. He raised the other hand to cup her face, tilting it gently up towards him. Then, almost carefully, he leant down, and angled his face to kiss her. It was like their first kiss all over again: their eyes met for a moment, and then his lips touched hers.

It felt like there was an electric current running between them. At first, it was almost a little scary, like it had been the first time they had really kissed. But then it faded into the pleasurable tingle that they had grown used to.

He was kissing her harder than usual, as if there was some sort of loss backing his actions. She was perfectly happy to oblige, returning his deep, passionate kisses with her own. It was more serious than what normally happened between the two of them, but it still left her quite breathless.

Gradually, Ahsoka lay down on the bed, and he followed. They kept up their steady stream of kisses as he pulled her close to him. After a few moments, it was getting a little too intense, and she pulled away. “Not here,” she whispered. “We can’t–”

“Please…” His eyes were filled with longing, and almost seemed to be burning. It wasn’t normal. 

“Lux, what’s bringing this on? We can do this, just not right now. Amni will be back any minute, and I don’t understand why...”

The fire in his eyes only intensified. “Ahsoka, I haven’t been able to… to hold you like this in three years, okay? I know I’m probably getting ahead of myself, but I just… I missed you.”

“Wait, what?” Her eyes suddenly went wide. “I was out for three years?

“You didn’t know?”

Ahsoka sat up, covering her eyes, as if that would make the sudden news go away. But that wasn’t going to happen. “I… I can’t believe it. Three years of my life. Just gone.” She turned towards him, looking at the ring on her finger. “Three years that I could have been spending with you! We could have been married by now!”

Lux took her in his arms again. She buried her face in his shoulder, beginning to cry. “Shh… it’s okay, Socks. It’s all going to be okay. We’re going to make it through this. You’re awake again, and that’s what matters.”

After a few minutes of soaking his jacket with her tears, she managed to mutter, “I love you, Lux. I love you, I love you.”

“Why so many times? Once is enough, you know that.”

Wiping her eyes, Ahsoka sat up again. “I’m trying to make up for the time I missed that I should have been saying it. I know that you must have sitting here every day to tell me that, and I couldn’t hear it. I don’t deserve you.”

He shook his head. “No, you would have done the same. I came because I love you and I missed you. But am I becoming so predictable?”

“Only to me.” She pressed her lips to his, and she could feel whatever mood he had been in evaporate completely in the way he kissed her back. It was as it had been before the coma. For now, all was well. She had her Lux back.

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