Chapter Sixteen: He Is The One

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Anakin knew that his jaw must have dropped a full three inches. This boy, this five-year-old boy… was his son?

“Skywalker…” he muttered, eyes wide.

The blond boy – his son Luke – looked up at him. “Yeah, that’s about right. Something wrong?”

“I know you.” The words were out of Anakin’s mouth before he could say anything. Now that he had said that, how was he going to present it in a way that the boy would understand?

“You do?”

“Well… I knew your father. He was a good friend of mine, actually. I know the name Skywalker well.”

Luke’s eyes lit up. “Really? Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen always told me that he was a navigator on a spice freighter. Did you work with him or something?”

“Yes.” Anakin grimaced internally. This lie was getting bigger with every word he uttered. “I was the… um… I was the mechanic. This was the time before R2 units became very widespread in the Outer Rim.”

“That’s so wizard!” The boy’s huge blue eyes, the same color as his own, stared up at him, begging him for more details.

“Yes. He and I were like brothers. Well, not actually brothers, but we were such good friends that we didn’t have another way to describe it.”

The boys’ eyes were shining with wonder. Apparently this was the biggest news that Biggs had ever heard as well. But then Luke asked, “But why are you wearing clothes like that? I’ve only been to Anchorhead a few times, but pilots don’t dress like that.”

“Well, you’re a smart young man. A lot like I was when I was a kid,” Anakin stalled smoothly as he tried to think up an excuse. In a minute he had one. “You see, the Empire doesn’t like me that much. So I wear this instead of a pilot’s gear to keep myself safe.”

It was the exact opposite of the truth, but Luke didn’t need to know that.

“Well, Luke, I think that my friends and I might need a place to stay tonight. Out of the Empire’s reach, if possible. Can you think of anywhere?” As if on cue, Rex and Christo chose that moment to come out of hiding. The two boys looked a

“My place would work–” Luke began, but Anakin cut him off.

“No! I mean, no. Your parent’s didn’t hold with your father’s ideals. I don’t know what they would think if they saw me again.” Poor Beru and Owen would probably have a heart attack if they saw him!

Luke thought for a moment. “Well, if you’re careful, you can camp out in the Canyon… As long as you have a good fire burning and a guard, the Sand People won’t bother you. Biggs and I can stay with you.”

“You don’t have to do that for us,” Anakin protested, even though he secretly wanted to know more about the boy he had never had the chance to raise.

“Biggs and I do it all the time!” Luke and his friend shared a mischievous smile. “We just tell our parents that we’re sleeping at the other’s place, and camp out in the Canyon. I’ll get our campout supplies.”

Although Anakin didn’t like the idea of a five-year-old and a ten-year-old camping out in Beggar’s Canyon, it still sounded exactly like something he would have done at his age. So he nodded.

“Now, remember,” he said to the pair. “If the grown-ups are home, you can’t tell them about me or my friends. I can tell that your guardians are good people, boys, but just in case.

Biggs smiled, and did a mock salute. “Yes sir!” Then they scampered away, yelling back that they would return before the suns set.

*What could happen to Anakin, camping with the boy who doesn't know he's his father? Will he accidentally reveal more than Owen and Beru Lars will want young Luke to hear, or is the boy ready for the truth? And whatever will happen to Ahsoka and Lux? For the Dark Side clouds everything, including one's will to see the Light...

Find out that you're the Chosen One and the one destined to fullfil an ancient prophecy and may the Force be with you,


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