Chapter Thirty-Five: Are You An Angel?

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Anakin sat on a large rock outside Obi-Wan Kenobi’s modest homestead. Obi-Wan was occupying Luke and Biggs inside with a story about how he had once snuck into a spice freighter to take back a friend’s stolen money. It was working, because they were riveted, but he had a funny feeling that it wasn’t a true story.

He leaned back, lowering himself into a lying-down position on the smooth stone so he could look up at the stars. He knew most of the major constellations that one could see from Tatooine’s surface; the ones that his mother had shown him. There was the Bantha, the Tusken, the Mountain and the Pilot. This was the night sky he had grown up under.

“I guess this is my home,” he said to the stars. “I might hate it, the desert may have taken everything from me, but it’s still my home. I see that now.”

He spotted one star that was brighter than the others. It moved suddenly, and he smiled. It was a meteor, or as Shmi had always called them, a shooting star. She had always told him that you could make wishes on them. If you saw one in a night, then you could make a wish. If you saw two in one night, it gave you good luck, and three meant that something special was about to happen to you. On top of that, the third star’s wish was almost guaranteed to come true.

This was his third star tonight. On his third star as a boy, he always wished to be freed from slavery and be able to leave the planet. That was what he had wished for the night before the podrace all those years ago, and it had come true. But now he wanted something different.

“I wish for Padme to come back to me,” Anakin said, his voice ringing in the calm, clear night. “Padme Naberrie Amidala Skywalker, I wish for you to return.”

Suddenly, the shooting star changed its course. Squinting his eyes and channeling the Force towards them, he tried to figure out where it was going. He had figured it out within a moment. His eyes widened. It was heading right for him!

Anakin leapt from his seat, and began to run back towards Obi-Wan’s home. He was just gathering enough breath to yell and sound the alarm when he felt something. A presence that he hadn’t felt since…

He stopped dead in his tracks. There was a presence was coming from the meteor! And it wasn’t an illusion, it was a real, living thing! He was certain of it!

He took off in the other direction. He ran like the wind, faster than he ever had in his entire life. He had to get there before the rock hit the ground, otherwise, if logic prevailed, the person inside it would be crushed. The impact would kill them, and he couldn’t let that happen.

But he was too late. The meteorite was too fast, and it dropped past the rocky ridge he was running up. He braced himself, because it would certainly create a crater, and judging by its size, he was in the danger zone.

But nothing happened. It took a moment for Anakin to register, but then he continued running towards it. As he reached the lip of the crater, he froze in shock.

The meteorite was floating, and covered in little patches of pure white light. It was if it had anti-grav engines, but there was nothing. It simply… hovered. It was also roughly the size of an escape pod.

Suddenly the light drained away, and Anakin stared. As smoothly as a lightsaber cutting through metal, the meteorite split horizontally down the middle. The top half floated upwards until it was about a meter above the other half. A blindingly white light was released. He put up an arm to shield himself from the glare, but a tremor in the Force caused him to drop it. He stared directly at the center or the meteorite, and saw something. It looked like a person, but all he could see was a silhouette.

They sat up slowly, taking in their surroundings. “What happened to me?” he heard a voice say. A beautiful, angelic voice. It took him a less than a second to recognize it.

“Ang-Angel?” he whispered. The person, who had been turned away, whipped around, shiny brown curls that extended well past their waist flying. Then, seemingly as fast as they could, they got out of their meteorite-ship-thing.

The light dimmed and they got closer. Anakin could then see who it was. He gulped, swallowing the sudden surge of emotions that had popped up uninvited.


*Anakin has felt a presence on Tatooine, one that he has not felt since the birth of the Empire. Could it be that his Angel, Padme Amidala, has returned? Or is it just another illusion? And what will happn if the SIth discover Anakin's fragility when it comes to visions and games of the mind? You'll find out in the next chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Ask Dex where the toxic dart someone shot at the bounty hunter you were chasing is from and may the Force be with you,


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