Chapter Thirty-One: The Reunion Of Jedi Brothers

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Anakin and Obi-Wan locked eyes, as if they were a pair of laser beams, each set with points of origin opposing the other’s exactly. Anakin had been in a variety of stare-downs with enemies more times than he could count, but this was by far the worst out of them all. Because he didn’t know if Obi-Wan was an enemy or not.

Anakin’s old Master took a few steps towards him, then turned away. His lightsaber was in his hand. He showed no emotion at all.

“Obi-Wan…” Anakin began in a small voice. “I know that you must have mixed feelings about seeing me again.”

Obi-Wan said nothing. Suddenly Anakin felt his eyes brimming with tears. “But I want you to know… I am so, so sorry, Master… I am so sorry and ashamed of what I did.” He tried to keep his voice from cracking, but it was in vain. “I don’t know how I could ever make it up to you, but I–”

What happened next was almost too fast for Anakin to follow. Obi-Wan grabbed onto the sleeve of his loose brown Jedi cloak, and pulled him into a hug. Anakin felt a slight went spot on his shoulder as well, meaning that his old Master was crying too.

“How can you forgive me so easily?” Anakin asked, stupefied. “I thought you would be furious with me! You have every right to– to strike me down where I stand right now!”

“I was never angry with you,” Obi-Wan said. “I was sad, because you had lost your way. You were in the Dark.”

“I did lose my way, Obi-Wan! I was gone, I…”

“But you have found it again.” Obi-Wan smiled. “And you did it by yourself, without the Council, without the Jedi, without me. And I am so happy that you found your way here.”

“It wasn’t that hard. I trusted the Force, just like you always said.”

“No, Anakin: just like Master Qui-Gon always said. I’m proud of you, my brother.” Obi-Wan gave him one last squeeze, then led them inside. “Now come inside. We have a lot to discuss.”

Soon, Obi-Wan had heard the whole story, including the parts involving Anakin. He was taking it a lot calmer than Anakin had thought he would have. He listened quietly, only nodding, stroking his beard, and occasionally interjecting.

The only time he actually looked worried was when Anakin mentioned Darth Maul’s return. But it was gone after a moment.

“I still can’t believe you’re back, Anakin. And in the flesh and blood, no less,” he said. “I’m not sure I fully understand how you’ve returned, though. Could you explain it again?”

He did, and his former Master nodded. “I see. And the Rebel Troopers… are you certain that they are being well cared for? I couldn’t offer much help, but I do have some friends amongst the Imperial Senate that could offer assistance.”

“Yes,” Anakin said. He heard some shrieks of laughter from outside, and smiled. Christo and Rex were apparently doing a good job keeping Biggs and Luke, who were now awake, occupied while he and Obi-Wan talked.

“They are being given additional training to increase their fighting ability,” he continued after a moment, “and we have enough to keep everyone fed, warm and dry for now. Lux certainly had to pull some strings, but he knows what he’s doing. And now that they’re engaged and all… Ahsoka grew up so fast. She’s not just my Snips anymore.”

“You’ll have to give them my congratulations. They’ll be happy together. I wish them well, and I’m sorry I can’t see them in person.”

“We’ll see about that,” Anakin said with a smile. “I took several things into account before I left. One, that Ahsoka was awake. Two, that they were low on supplies, and would have to make the trip to Tatooine to pick them up. Which leads me to three.”

His smile grew even wider at his own ingenuity. “I knew that you would be one of the first people outside the system that she would want to see, which would have her sign up to be on the supply run. And bing bang boom, she’s found me.”

“You’re a clever boy, Anakin,” Obi-Wan said, clapping him on the back. “I never doubted that. I just hope she arrives soon, because she must have a lot of questions that I might just be able to answer…”

*Obi-Wan and Anakin are together again. They have forgiven each other, and are ready to heal and move past what happened to them six years ago. But what will the SIth, who now know where Anakin is, do with their newfound advantage? What will happen if they find Luke? And what if Maul and Shima aren't acting alone? You'll find out in the next chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Look out at the sunset over Tatooine and may the Force be with you,


PS: My fellow Avatar The Last Airbender fans, if you are reading this story, then you probably noticed that the conversation that Anakin and Obi-Wan have at the beginning of the chapter is nearly parallel to the scene where Iroh forgives Zuko. I wanted it to be similar because thse are in my top few fandoms! The video attached is that conversation!

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