Chapter Thirty-Two: That's When I Love You

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Lux carried Ahsoka, bridal style, back to the Temple. She had fallen asleep in his lap during a comfortable silence between them in the meadow, and he hadn’t wanted to wake her up. She seemed so peaceful when she was asleep, something she never looked when she was awake

He walked into the Grand Hall, which was the name that had stuck for the majestic corridor directly inside the Temple. Walking up to the elevator door, he carefully shifted most of Ahsoka’s weight into one arm so he could use his elbow to hit the up button. It was a simple task, because she was so small and light, but he didn’t want to wake her.

As the elevator arrived and he stepped inside, she moved a little in his arms. “Don’t drop me,” she whispered.

“I would never. And I thought you were asleep!” Lux whispered back, entering their floor into the keypad. He watched as her eyes blinked open lazily.

“For one thing, you’re very comfortable to nap on. And for another, I just wanted you to carry me upstairs.” Ahsoka laughed gently, then she tilted her head forwards, curling up in his arms. Even though she hadn’t actually fallen asleep, there was no denying that she was about to doze off. “I feel safe with you.”

“That’s a good thing,” he said. “You’re supposed to, because I’m here for you. I always will be.”

Suddenly she opened her eyes again, and shot him a look. “Lux, something’s troubling you. What is it?”

“It’s nothing,” he said. But he realized straight after that he had said it too quickly to avoid suspicion.

“No, it’s not nothing. Don’t give me that. I can see right through it.” Then her eyes widened in understanding. “You’re thinking about our engagement.”

Ahsoka slipped out of his arms, standing up. But she didn’t take her arms out from around his neck. “I get it,” she murmured. “I wanted to be married by now too.” She went quiet, and Lux wondered what was going on in her head.

“What’s going on? I can almost see the gears working in your head,” he joked.

“Let’s get married tomorrow.”

His eyes must have widened to the size of golf balls. “W-What?”

“I need to talk to Obi-Wan about Maul, and I think that Anakin’s there as well. And besides, we need supplies. I’m sure we could find someone to marry us there,” Ahsoka said. “It won’t be anything big. Just the two of us, and maybe a few people.”

“I… I’m…” Lux stammered, trying to find the words to describe how he was feeling. There were none that he could come up with.

“I know, Lux. I love you, too.” Once again, she had used her uncanny ability to figure out what he was saying before he actually managed to say it.

Ahsoka stretched up, extending her small body to its maximum and standing on tiptoe. And then she kissed him. He pulled her close, kissing her back. She ran her long tan fingers through his hair, probably messing it up again, but he didn’t care. He loved her so much.

After a long and passionate kissing episode, Lux pulled away. He looked into her eyes, which shone like blue gems. “It’s perfect. I can’t… Just… I’m speechless, Ahsoka. Completely speechless.”

“Well, hey,” she said, smiling, “it’s cute when you don’t know what to say. It means that I’ve succeeded at whatever I was trying to do.”

Their lips connected again, and they were kissing until the elevator stopped, and well on after that.

*Ahsoka and Lux are to marry tomorrow. But will the Sith intervene? What will become of young Luke, now that his father is alive? WIll Obi-Wan let Anakin take him, or not? And could it be that Maul and Shima don't stand alone? And what did Padme mean when she said that she could finally be free? You'll find out in the next chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Get trained as a Jedi by a ghost who also trained your father and may the Force be with you,


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