Chapter Three: An Anomaly In The Medical Ward

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Amni took long strides to get back to the medical wing of the Temple. Her discretely high-heeled boots made soft clicking noises against the carpet. They were ‘discretely’ heeled because even though it wasn’t the Jedi way, she wanted to emphasize the beauty that nature had chosen to give her. One-and-a-half-inch heels showcased her long legs.

“Jinoyar, what’s the situation?” she whispered into her comlink. She didn’t want to say it any louder, because she was passing by the dormitories, and she knew from the exams that she did annually that some of the padawans were light sleepers.

“An anomaly with Patient 34,” he said. That was Ahsoka’s number!

She promptly picked up the pace, her two head-tails, a light blue like the rest of her skin, bumping against her back. She was borderline jogging. She would have run, but in case there was someone walking down the halls, she needed to preserve her dignity.

It was quite likely that there wouldn’t be anyone there, because other than Anakin becoming an insomniac for a few days, Lux was the only one who kept such late hours. And besides, the tracker that she had planted in one of his blasters was coming from his room. And the brain frequencies it was picking up showed that he was fast asleep.

She got there within ten minutes. Skidding to a halt at the door, she entered the security code and had her eye scanned within moments. It was an extra security measure to make sure that no one got in. And that no one got out.

The smooth, chrome-colored door slid open, and she walked in. “Jinoyar, I want a full report!” she said, walking to the front desk.

Jinoyar Arcani, a fourteen-year-old Zabrak boy with a real talent for injuries in the essential organ, sat up. “Sorry Master,” he said with a yawn. “I could really use a nap. Chissi wasn’t feeling well, so I had to do a double shift, because everyone else was already asleep and I felt bad about waking them.”

Chissi Barrik was a Rodian girl, and about his age. She also took the night shifts, but lately she had been calling in sick a lot. She must have been coming down with something. Amni made a mental note to look into it.

That was just like her. Trying to make sure everyone was okay in one day, and that sometimes meant staying awake for twenty-four hours straight.

“That’s all right, padawan. Now tell me what’s going on. And don’t leave straight after. I might need you on stand-by to get help.”

He got up, and, stifling another yawn, led her towards Patient 34’s room. “I didn’t really look into it in detail. I thought that it would be best for you to do that, Master. But from what the computer told me, there was an increase in breathing and brain activity. I don’t know for sure, but it could be that…”

Jinoyar trailed off, but she heard what he had wanted to say as clearly as if he had said it aloud. It could be that she’s awake.

They arrived after a few moments of fast walking. Amni entered the passcode with the ease of someone who does it a lot, and the glass door slid away.

She hurried over to the computer output they had inside, as they did inside each room in the medical ward. As she waited for the computer to finish accessing its databanks, she walked over towards the bed in the middle of the room.

It was a relief that her growth signs were normal. The poison could have easily compromised a number of things, but over the past three years, it seemed like Ahsoka’s body had somehow purged itself of the toxin on its own. Almost as if she had somehow induced that coma herself…

As Amni bent over the bed, she automatically started by looking at Ahsoka’s face. And what she saw made her gasp.

Ahsoka’s eyes were open. And they were yellow rimmed with red.

*Ooooh, spooky, huh? I got that idea from the movie Breaking Dawn Part II, when we see Bella's irises turn from grey to red in that epic opening sequence. I know I site a lot of Twilight references, and it's not intentional, but I see some things in the movies and the books as inspirational. Think what you will. It's just...yeah.

Have a complete meltdown when you find out that Darth Vader is your father and may the Force be with you,


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