Chapter Twenty-Four: Let The Truth Be Told

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Ahsoka had listened in growing fear as Amni had told her everything she knew. She couldn’t believe that she, a Jedi Knight and as close to the Light Side of the Force as one could be, was so close to turning to the Dark.

And it was all because of Darth Maul. She didn’t know much about him aside from what little Obi-Wan had been willing to tell her, but, come to think about it, she did remember something about him. Something from when she was in the coma.

“Amni, you told me that my eyes were yellow when I first woke up, right?” she asked the distraught young Twi’lek woman beside her.

She wiped away a few tears. She hadn’t stopped crying all through her grim tale. “Y-Yes… Just – Just like Jinoyar! I’ve failed him, Ahsoka! I’ve failed my padawan! He was never supposed to be involved in all this!”

Ahsoka pulled her into a hug. “Shh… It wasn’t your fault. No one could have guessed that Maul would have chosen him, of all people. You didn’t fail him. It’s all going to be okay, Amni. You’ll see.”

For the next few minutes, Amni continued to cry on her shoulder. Ahsoka let her cry all her tears out, gently humming a lullaby in her native Togruti. But after a few minutes, Amni stopped, and sat up.

“Thank you, Ahsoka… Ever since the beginning of the New Jedi Order, you’ve always been like a mother to me. To all of us. You’re like the Hashi’inra, the Mother Goddess of our faith. Whenever I heard stories about her, I would see your face. I don’t know why, but I would.”

“I’m no goddess,” Ahsoka said with a soft laugh. “Just a girl with an overdose of the maternal gene, and a heart a few sizes bigger than it was supposed to be.”

“Just… Thank you, Ahsoka.”

“I’m always happy to help, Amni. Now you go get some rest. You aren’t going to be able to tend to every scraped knee and bruised arm in one day. Not to mention that Chulya is going to be back here soon, with another dozen three-year-olds to become padawans in tow. You should get some rest while you still can.”

Chulya Angine was the recently Knighted padawan in charge of recruiting younglings to make sure the Order would continue to grow. She was more of the mother figure of the New Jedi Order, not Ahsoka. She was the one that all of the kids would go to when they needed something.

“Okay,” Amni said, standing up. “I’ll see you later?”

Ahsoka stood as well. “Yes. Now run along and get some sleep.”

The girl nodded, and walked off down the hallway. As soon as she was out of sight, Ahsoka dropped her cover that everything was going to be okay. She was actually so scared that she was shaking.

She couldn’t even compute. Just thinking that a Sith Lord had been inside her, able to see every thought, every care, and every secret… It was almost too much. And now she knew why she would have these strange moods, which made her dwell on the negative; the exact opposite of what a Jedi was supposed to do.

Slowly, she stood up. She didn’t even remember sitting down again. She knew what she had to do. She had to get to Tatooine. Obi-Wan could provide her with precious information about how he had defeated Maul, and maybe, just maybe, she could see Luke too.

“That’s it!” she said aloud. She looked around, but there was no one nearby to hear her. “Where there’s smoke there’s fire. Anakin is probably on Tatooine!”

She took off down the hallway, unaware that Shima had seen the whole thing from her place near the ceiling.

*Ahsoka now knows the truth about what happened to her during the three years she was gone, and she is certain she knows where Anakin, Christo and Rex have gone. But so do the Sith... Who will find them first? And although Anakin is supposedly forever allied with the Light Side, will he turn? Or will he fullfil his destiny a fifteen years early and destory the Sith once and for all? And will Ahsoka be able to stay with the Light Side, or will she fall? You'll find out in the next chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Freak out a ten-year-old by telling him that his feelings of fear will lead him to the Dark Side and may the Force be with you,


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