Chapter Twenty: Identity Revealed

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Amni was making herself scarce.

She had turned her Force-signature down low, allowing her to fly just under Ahsoka’s super-sensitive Force radar. Because she had a mere eleven thousand midichlorians per cell, it was quite tiring to keep her cover up for so long, as if was a very advanced Jedi trick. She would turn it off when she got to a safe distance.

She was actually starting to sweat from the effort. It was hard work, but she managed to settle into a sprint down the hallway. When she thought she was out of Ahsoka’s radar, she began to relax, still without dropping her screen.

Suddenly she heard a high-pitched whine, rippling through the air like waves on water, and black smoke filled the hall. She didn’t understand what it was, but there was suddenly the shape of a young boy standing in front of her. She skidded to a halt, watching as they drew a red lightsaber.

It’s a Sith, she thought, and drew her own lightsaber, which was warm, friendly yellow-green. It represented her ability to balance of the fighting arts of a Jedi Knight and of her desire to learn more about anything and everything. It had been the color of a Jedi Sentinel’s lightsaber in times long past.

“Who are you? What do you want?” she dared to call.

The mysterious smoke cleared a little, allowing Amni to see the face of the Sith. Nothing could have shocked her more. It was Jinoyar! Sweet, generous, innocent little Jinoyar!

“Jinoyar?” she gasped, and watched as a small, sinister smile played on the boy’s lips, the honey-colored Zabrak markings on his face moving along with it. But how? How was this even possible?

Then something even less believable happened. The whine increased, and Jinoyar’s slight, still-in-boyhood figure seemed to flicker. For a split-second, in his place, she could almost see a Zabrak adult with red skin and stark black markings, Sith eyes and wearing black robes. Then it happened again. Finally, after a few more flutters, it settled on the strange Zabrak man.

“You do not know me,” the not-Jinoyar said in a quiet, whispery voice. “But I know you, Amnich’elsu, as I know everyone in this place.”

She stared, thought not lowering her lightsaber, as he didn’t lower his. How did he know her name? And no one, except for some of the other Twi’lek people in the New Jedi Order, called her by her name in Twi’leki.

“But you shall all come to know and fear me soon. Be ready, young Healer. Be prepared. Because this Order of the Jedi is standing in my path to victory, and I we both know what happens to those who get in the way of the Sith.”

He paused, but his silence conveyed whole texts, whole files to Amni. “It was I who inhabited her for those three years, who pushed her towards the Dark Side. And that is all you must know for now. The beginning of your end is upon us. The time has come for the Jedi to fall. Permanently. And it will be sooner then you think.”

Then the Zabrak disappeared. “Wait!” she called. “Who are you?”

It wasn’t much more than a glimmer of a reply, but, as the smoke evaporated into the air and the whining stopped, she could have sworn she heard something.

I am Maul.

*DUN DUN DUUUUUN!!!! The identity of the Sith Master has been revealed. Darth Maul has returned with nothing but murderous intentions. But who is his apprentice, known only as Shima? And what will become of Anakin, Christopherus and Rex, whom Ahsoka is unable to reach by any means? You'll find out in the next exciting chapter of the Unchronicled Adventures of Ahsoka Tano!*

Find out that the girl *cough cough* princess you're crushing on is actually your long-lost sister and may the Force be with you,


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