Chapter Twenty-Seven: Reflections/ Ahsoka's Meeting

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Shima sat in her small cave, looking over her twin red lightsabers, and their places on her belt. They were the ones that her Master had found for her during his travel as a spirit. They were the lightsabers of Komari Vosa, who had been a Sith Dark Acolyte to Count Dooku. Their owner following Vosa was Assaj Ventress.

Shima had often paid homage to the two Acolytes. She looked up to them as much as a Sith could. She had no memory of who she had been before she had become Darth Maul’s apprentice, but imagined that she had had such power.

But the images that he had provided her with of her past were dark and bleak. The only thing that she knew for certain was that she had once been one of the Dark Acolytes under the powerful Count. Her yearning to learn her past was one of few things that kept her in Maul’s service.

Shima wasn’t her true name. It was the name that her Master had given her. He had told her that meant something along the lines of ‘Mother Destroyer’ in his native Dathomirian, but little else. It made sense, in a way, because she lived to destroy, but she suspected that it had a deeper significance.

For the Dark Side was her best enemy, her worst friend. It could lead her down any path at all. But this was the life that the Force had chosen for her. And even though sometimes she wondered what her life would have been like had she not become Maul’s apprentice ten months before.

But now was not the time to think such thoughts. She had work to do.


Ahsoka awoke suddenly, panting and gasping. Seeing Padme… it had just been a dream, or a premonition of some kind. It hadn’t been real. The light on her bedside looked as it always did, slightly greenish and not all colors of the spectrum, and there was no ghost sitting next to her on the bed.

She looked around the room, glancing into the dark corners to make sure nothing was there. Although would never admit it, as she had to remain strong, she was afraid. She was afraid of the Dark.

Suddenly her comlink rang from her bedside, where she had put it the night before. A voice came through it, a comforting voice: Lux. “Ahsoka, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

Up until then she hadn’t noticed that she was crying. One of her rare meltdowns was now underway. How had he noticed that without being in the room? It was probably their strong connection through the Force. It sometimes allowed them to know what the other was feeling – or, very rarely, thinking – without actually being in the room.

She picked it up and pushed the talk button. “I don’t know. I just… well, let’s just say that sometimes it’s nice to have a maternal figure in your life instead of being that figure to so many younglings all the time.”

“Ahsoka… no. Talk to me. You’re been shutting me out too much lately. The only way that you’ll feel even the slightest bit better is by talking to someone. Me,” he said.

“I’m sorry, I’ve just… we should talk about this in person. Meet you at the meadow in fifteen?” It was a warm night, judging by the temperature of the outside air that was coming in through her open window, and acceptable to meet outdoors.

Ahsoka pulled on a maroon (as most of her items of clothing were, besides grey, brown or black) long-sleeved shirt that went down to her mid-thigh over her tank top and leggings, and pulled on her favorite pair of boots. Then she clipped on a simple utility-belt and hooked her lightsabers on. One never knew when one might need them.

Then she closed her eyes and did a quick Force-scan of this level of the Temple. No one was awake. This was a good thing, because she didn’t want to alarm anyone when she took the fast way out.

*Shima has no memory of who she once was... Was it someone our heroes have encountered before, or an enemy previously unknown? And is there another reason behind Ahsoka's meltdown? You'll find out in the next amazing chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Have your old Master assign you a padawan without you knowing and may the Force be with you,


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