Chapter Twenty-Six: Ahsoka's Mysterious Visitor

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Night fell on Cialone. Ahsoka was back in her room a few hours after spoken to Amni, both shaken and relieved. She told herself that she was going to wait until the next day before she went to Tatooine. While she waited for Lux to return, despite him telling her not to, she looked through the information in the holo-transmitter that Cody had given her.

But gradually, she began to feel herself drifting off. Soon, Ahsoka wasn’t quite sure if she was asleep or not. It felt like she was somewhere between the two.

“Ahsoka…” a voice whispered. “Are you awake?”

Slowly, Ahsoka’s eyes opened. Even though her vision was still blurred from sleep, she was quite certain that there was no one in the room. Then where had the voice come from?

“Who… who’s there?” she muttered sleepily, not awake enough to be able to recognize the voice. So she had been asleep. But even though she was willing to wait up for him late into the night, if it was Lux waking her up three hours before sunrise again she swore she would–

“I do miss you terribly, Ahsoka. But this is for the best… for now, at least.”

She rubbed at her deep blue eyes, which, every since she had woken up, had had rings in a golden tint around her pupils. The light from her glowing crystal nightlight, originating from the caves there on Cialone, began to form another shape that was vaguely humanoid. Part of the slightly greenish glow broke away from the source, and turned a pure, brilliant white.

It was almost like a sun: her ultra-sensitive eyes could almost always make out the different colors of the spectrum, but in this case even someone without Togruta eyesight could see the other colors blending in with the glow.

Suddenly the spectacular light formed itself into a person, and one that she knew well.

“P-Padme?” Ahsoka stuttered, trying to find the words. “Rihaya trohiba, Padme!”

She jumped out of bed – luckily she was wearing a loose shirt and leggings, and presentable to a degree – and ran to hug her. The apparition, spirit, whatever it was, was solid, but constantly shifting. The molecules that she was consisted of didn’t seem to be able to make up their minds as to what she looked like.

After a long embrace, Padme pulled her to arm’s length, taking in every detail. “Oh, Ahsoka! You’ve grown so much since I last saw you in person!”

“Padme, I’m so, so sorry! I was too late to save you. I knew what was going to happen and I couldn’t–” She broke off as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

Padme pulled the younger woman to her again, comforting her wordlessly while she cried on her shoulder. Padme had always been like the mother she had never had to her.

“Shh. It wasn’t your fault, Ahsoka,” she said as she rubbed a shining hand in small circles on her back. “Destiny ran its course, and you weren’t meant to stop what happened from happening. You can’t blame yourself.”

“But I do – and I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve made mistakes, and big ones, and I can’t make up for them. I feel… empty.”

Padme looked thoughtful for a moment. “I think I know what you need: you need to find out the truth about Maul’s return and about the Sith and Jedi Orders. So I’m going to send you on another adventure."

“How? What do you mean, Padme?” Ahsoka, who had finally stopped crying, sat down on the bed, and the apparition followed suite.

“I have to send you to find someone. Four people, actually. I need to see Anakin and Obi-Wan; I need to see my children.”

*Padme has shown herself to yet another. Now Anakin isn't the only one who has had a vision of the former Senator. But is she alive, or is she one with the Force? And what will become of Anakin on Tatooine? He probably isn't in for a warm welcome from his old Master, who is still unaware of the certain vital pieces of information concering four million clones and a brewing rebellion... You'll find out what happens in the incredible next chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

Whoa. This was officially the easiest chapter I've ever written. Basically, it's something from another one of my books that I edited a little bit to fit the context. The next chapter will probably take longer, but I do have a feeling that I can get another one or two at the most written tonight.

Discover that your secret wife is pregnant and that this could get you expelled from the Jedi Order and may the Force be with you,


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