Prologue: I've Learned To Live

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*YAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! Book seven of UAAT is officially open for business! WOOOHOOOO!!!! I'm really happy to have such a sense of fulfillment after finishing book six. And that EVIL THREAT that I spoke about in the summary of the last book, in case you weren't clear about it, was the assassin, who will be important in the story and written about in detail... just not right now. I hope you enjoy and CATPIGEONS UNITE!!!!

PS: Sorry. Catpigeons are kind of this thing I made up. FEAR MY RANDOMNESSSSSS!!!!*

Boom, boom. Boom, boom.

The beating of her heart was the only thing to break through the seemingly eternal stillness. She could feel it pumping blood through her veins and keeping her alive, but she knew no body. She had just been floating forever.

It was both light and dark outside here. It made no sense. It was a little like the light of a darksaber. Black, but glowing white. Impossible, yet possible.

This was a strange place, a sort of prison and a haven. She couldn’t leave for… What was the reason? She didn’t know what it was, but she knew that it was very important, and if she left too soon, then there would be a possibility of her dying.

Never had she felt so alive, yet gone. There was life in her, somewhere, but she couldn’t find it…

As she drifted for immeasurable seconds and years that passed in the blink of an eye, some sort of darkness began to creep into her haven-prison. It always stayed just beyond her line of vision, but she knew that it was there. The presence of the Dark Side was unmistakable.

But she had no weapons to fight it with. She was powerless to resist its pull. So she tried to close the doors of her consciousness to escape it. But she could feel it pushing and pulling at the doors, trying to get inside, and to get to her.

She knew that she wouldn’t be able to hold for long against its pull. So she hoped and prayed that whatever part of her was missing, waiting to be woken up, would take action, and she would be able to leave this place, and the darkness.

There would sometimes be someone – or something – calling out to her from far away, but before she could catch the words, it would disappear. She thought that it was her missing part, or someone that she had known, but she couldn’t be sure. This was a land without certainty.

As the darkness continued to look for a way in, she began to weaken. There were cracks in her little dome of light, which widened a little every time she looked. And she wasn’t strong enough to mend them any more.

Just before her walls fell, she remembered a name. In a last cry for help, she sent a message to him.

Lux! I can’t hold on! Lux, help me!

Then the light caved in, and the darkness took over.

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