Chapter Eighteen: Friend or Foe?

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As soon as she had rounded the corner, Ahsoka broke into a run. From what her inner midichlorians were whispering to her, Mace Windu was in a deathly serious mood. And if he barged into the briefing room before she could get to him and saw Anakin…

Suddenly she caught sight of him coming purposefully down the hallway towards the briefing room. “Master Windu!” she called, slowing to a brisk walk.

“Ahsoka, what’s going on here?” he asked, without breaking his stride. His face a near disturbing mask of calm. “Why weren’t the shields on during the meteor shower? And what was the blue glow across the sky?”

“Master, I don’t think you would believe me if I told you.” She shot a glance down the hallway. They were getting dangerously close to the briefing room. “There was a malfunction in the generator room: a loss of power at one of the cooling terminals. Then… then the Force chose to manifest itself.”

“How so?” He didn’t even look at her.

“In the form of a person. Someone’s conscience that managed to break free of their body. Um…” Ahsoka debated on how to word what she wanted to say. “Then they reappeared again in the physical state… but their original body is still elsewhere.”

Something she said got to him. “That isn’t possible,” he said, his eyes wide. For the first time, he actually met her gaze, but didn’t slow down. Now she was quite certain that he was letting the Force guide him, because he shouldn’t have known that everyone was there.

At last, she thought. A reaction. He really takes the whole ‘showing no emotions thing’ seriously!

“Yes. They caused the glow you saw, and they’re still here. They’re in the briefing room, but please, let me explain first–”

Windu opened the door, cutting her off. Because she had been so caught up with his reaction, she hadn’t noticed that they had reached the briefing room. She had stopped next to him subconsciously. 

His eyes suddenly went huge, widening to their maximum. He stood at the door silently, his mouth hanging slightly open. Ahsoka almost put a hand to her face, because she was sure she knew whom he had just caught sight of: Anakin.


If Mace Windu weren’t a Jedi Knight, and in complete control of his emotions, his brain would have been on overload. Seeing the man who had cut off his hand and who was indirectly responsible for his death was almost too much.

And he knew that Anakin Skywalker was supposed to be scarred for life, burnt to a crisp and wearing a life-support suit. This man looked exactly like him before any of that had happened. He was even wearing the same clothes. The only difference from then and now was that there was no lightsaber hanging at his belt.

“How…?” he stammered. Everyone was staring at him, but center of his focus was Anakin.

Windu took his lightsaber off his belt. Normally he didn’t notice his mechanical hand, because he had gotten used to it in the past two years, but now he could feel every sensor, every inch of metal working.

Anakin stood, and took a tentative step towards him. He raised his lightsaber, but didn’t ignite it. It was a non-verbal way of saying: If you come any closer, I will not hesitate to turn this on and use it.

The younger Jedi must have gotten the message, but took another few steps anyway. Windu turned his lightsaber on, and pointed it at his heart. But even though the tip of the blade was inches away from him, he paid it no mind.

“I’m sorry,” Anakin said. The words rippled throughout the silent room, and seemed to have another voice backing them. If Windu didn’t know better, he would have thought that it sounded like Qui-Gon Jinn.

The Chosen One extended his arm, and somehow grabbed the blade in his hand, without it hurting him at all. Then, even though he hadn’t pushed the button, the lightsaber turned off. Then, faster than the eye could follow, he took Windu’s metal hand in both of his.

“Heal,” he whispered, and there was a nearly blinding blue glow. Then Mace Windu had a real hand again.


Sorry about that. I'm just going a little crazy because this story has OVER A THOUSAND VIEWS! YAY!!! I remember when book One of this series reached a thousand, and how happy I was. Now I'm over 1K in all six books! So thank you all for supporting me and making me smile with your feedback! It really means a lot to me and YOU ARE ALL AWESOME!

Cut off your best friend's limbs and leave them to burn and may the Force be with you,


PS: If there are no updates soon please don't kill me, because I have exams all this week, but I should have a new chapter up by Friday at the latest!

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