Chapter Eleven: Impossibility Becomes Overrated

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*Okay, I am SO not trying to brag, but I think that I seriously hit a new writing high with this chapter. I was partially inspired for this sequence by The Legend of Korra Book 2: Spirits, the finale of Avatar the Last Airbender (I am OBSCESSED with those), and the Mortis arc of SWTCW. Warning: side effects to reading this may include giving the reader heart attacks and fangirling/fanboying fits. I will not be held responsible for those, LOL! And I leave off at a semi-serious cliffhanger here, so just... don't kill me please.*


“Brace yourselves!” Ahsoka yelled. The closest meteorite was forty kilometers and closing fast. Everyone shifted their stances, as ready as they could be for the first blow.

But they all, despite the encouraging presence of the Hero With No Fear, were still afraid. Ahsoka worked to send out comforting waves with the Force to soothe them, but she was already diverting most of her energy towards the shield, so it only worked partway. It wasn’t enough.

Suddenly she felt an enormous tremor throughout the Force. She looked over to the right, and what she saw was almost out of the realm that can be described.

Anakin’s Force-ghost was glowing. Well, more than the usual blue color. He was glowing white. Like the kind that hurt even Force-sensitive eyes to look at, the blend of all of the colors of the spectrum was so hard to look at.

And he seemed to be moving in and out of the visible spectrum, meaning that his features were vibrating like sound waves when watched on a screen. And what she saw next shocked her even more.

Anakin’s eyes, which had been closed, suddenly burst open. And they weren’t his usual color either. They were white gold, glowing the way Ahsoka’s did when she was using her own personal form of Sith Lightening, except it was aligned with the Light Side of the Force. Only a thin ring of his cerulean blue still showed around his irises.

As his eyes opened, a glowing ball of pure blue energy appeared in the center of his chest, expanding over the space of a few slow seconds to the size of a Jedi training remote. Then, the ball expanded to encompass his entire body, still retaining its circular shape.

Then, accompanied by flares of Light Side lightening directed from his hands, each one extending twenty yards up into the air, with a yell of pain and rage and power, the ball grew again.

By now, all of the padawans had stopped trying to withhold the shield and  were staring, open-mouthed. But then Ahsoka realized. This wasn’t just an orb of energy, it was another shield! And it was ten times more powerful than the one that they had tried to make!

With another yowl, because whatever Anakin was doing was clearly hurting him, he rose about forty yards up into the air, and turned into a blinding white silhouette. Then, another protective shield, this one flat, grew out of the first one. It expanding faster than the speed of sound, and within moments had encompassed the whole area that the padawans had set out to protect, and was still growing.

Ahsoka could feel Anakin’s pain resonating throughout the Force, and her first instinct was to go and help him, but a little midichlorian whispered to her that it was quite possible the uncontrolled lightening would kill her. She didn’t fully understand it. Dark and Light Side lightening wouldn’t hurt her if she were to be accidentally caught in it, but lightening from the Netherworld of the Force? That was far out of her area of expertise.

Soon, the shield, powered solely by Anakin, stretched out as far as the eye could see. Had she been in outer space at the time, she would have been able to see that it covered the entire planet in a glowing bubble, which had the consistency of an ocean when you look up at its surface from underwater.

Suddenly, the first meteorite, which was kilometers in size, hit the shield. But instead of bouncing off, the shield simply stopped it, and absorbed it partway. That led Ahsoka to believe that it was probably several kilometers thick. And it simply put out the flaming space rock, and the others that followed, almost like water.

Then, something even further out of the realm of imagination and miles – as if the rest wasn’t – past the boundaries of possibility happened.

With a fierce battle cry that so loud that a deaf person could have heard it, the smaller shield that was encircling Anakin suddenly burst into pure white beams of light, which seemed to be round containers for more of the lightening. The beams shot out, exploding against the meteorites and creating blinding fireworks. Soon all of them had been completely disintegrated, and at a safe distance away from the awed spectators far below.

All of this energy flooding the Force had brought more than one of the more inexperienced younglings to their knees with its raw power. But Ahsoka didn’t back down. She was basking in it, absorbing it like she had that first time with the late Count Dooku’s Sith Lightening three years ago.

But when the threat had been dealt with, and the meteorites had stopped coming, Anakin’s blinding white figure began to flicker back to its usual color. The black of his Jedi robes, the sandy-golden brown hair and the lightly tanned tone of his skin alternated almost faster than the eye could follow with blinding white.

Eventually, she could feel that Anakin had no juice left. He was completely and utterly drained of all of his strength.

And then everything that he was powering stopped at once, and he fell.

Without even a thought as to the fact that he should only have been a Force-ghost, and an illusion, she ran to catch him. She arrived directly below him just in time, and caught him lightly. But his weight, even though she was using the Force to keep some of gravity’s pull from taking effect on her, forced her down to one knee.

She laid him on the ground gently, propping his head up in her lap. When his eyes opened again a few moments later, they were back to their cerulean blue. She squeezed his hand gently, and he smiled weakly.

“Hey… Snips…” he managed to say, before his head tipped again and he lost consciousness. And that was when Ahsoka noticed. He wasn’t glowing blue. He was flesh and blood.

Anakin was back.

The Chosen One had returned.

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