Chapter Forty: The Light Is Snuffed Out

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Cutlery clinked against plates and glassware in a very civilized manner as the meal – which mainly consisted of dishes that originating from Shili – began. Polite conversation filled the air. There had already been a few toasts, either to the Rebel Troopers or to the New Jedi Knights. Zaydn, Amni, Chulya, Semm and a few of the others were almost old enough to become Jedi Knights, which was a popular topic of discussion.

Ahsoka had almost forgotten what it was like to live like this. Back when Lux had been Galactic Senator for Onderon, his home world, there had been fancy dinners, dances and conversations about politics and the war effort almost every night…

But she wouldn’t have traded the past for the present for anything. Even though it was a harder and less secure way to live, she loved it anyways. Here, she could be anything that she wanted to, instead of living in Lux’s shadow. She was free.

She snapped out of her reflections just in time to hear Anakin speak to Lux, who was sitting next to them. “So what’s this big news that you had to tell me? Are you going to slowly roast me with the suspense, or can you just kill me quickly and tell me what’s going on?”

Lux must have told Anakin about his proposal. And judging by Anakin’s tone, he had been quite buzzing with curiosity about it for some time now. But then again, he had never had much patience about anything to begin with.

She nodded at Lux, who smiled. Anakin raised an eyebrow. Speaking quietly so that no one would overhear, Lux said, “Anakin Skywalker, I’d like you to meet the future Mrs. Bonteri!”

It was silent for a moment amongst the three of them. Then Anakin’s jaw dropped a full three inches. “You… You’re…”

“Yes,” Ahsoka said, and linked her fingers with Lux’s.

A brilliant smile that she had never seen before suddenly broke out on his face. “That’s wonderful!” They both shushed him, and he toned the volume down. “That’s… I’m just so happy for the two of you. I’m glad you told me.”

“Well come on!” Lux said. “It’s no fun if you’re engaged and no one can know! And besides, it’s fun to have something to brag about!”

They laughed. Suddenly Anakin stood up, albeit somewhat shakily, because he was still recovering from the surgery, and raised his glass in the air. “I’d like to propose a toast,” he said.

Lux and Ahsoka froze, thinking he was going to tell, but were promptly reassured. “A toast to the New Jedi Order, and its wise leader, Grand Master Ahsoka Tano. We have all had to make her way through difficult times, but she’s always been there to soften the blow. So I’d like to thank her, and to thank you all, for your bravery. To the Light!”

“To the Light!” everyone echoed.

“The Light In The Darkness!” There was a roar of approval, and everyone raised their cups and drank heartily.

Ahsoka rose her own glass, smiling. But suddenly, she felt a sharp prick in her lower arm. Her arms were bared of their usual finger gloves tonight, and that was probably the only reason she had felt it. She put down her cup, and twisted her arm to examine it.

There was a little spike imbedded in her arm. It was very small, with a tiny glass vial attached to its end, which was filled with a dark liquid. She had had a little too much to drink on that particular night, and it took her a moment to figure out what it was. But by then it was too late: the liquid had already emptied itself into her bloodstream.

“A toxic dart! It’s poison!” she whispered, before her muscles suddenly constricted. She couldn’t move.

For a few agonizing seconds, her eyes darted back and forth, trying to find a way out of this. A glance down at her arm revealed that her bloodstream, starting where dart had punctured her skin, was slowly turning black.

Then her body, trapped in its own hold, suddenly went on release, and she was thrown back in her chair. She sank down, unable to control anything. And that was when the pain started. Dark spots danced before her eyes, and she tried not to cry out. And then she could hold on no longer, and the world went dark, with screams echoing in her ears.

And then poison claimed its victim.

*Dun dun DUuUuUuUUUUNNNNN!!!!! Okay, some feels probably got killed, but this is how I'm going to set it up for the next book! There will still be another two or three chapters, and again, I know that I just drove some of you insane. Sorry.

Force-choke the love of your life while under evil influences and may the Force be with you,


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