Chapter Four: Anakin Offers Assistance

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Ahsoka stared up at the wreck of the nearest power generator, which was the one that had been affected by the loss of cooling. Come on, come on! She urged her brain. The meteorites were going to start to fall in less than twenty minutes. They needed a solution, and fast!

Used the Force, there suddenly came a voice. Let it guide you.

Her eyes widened. Anakin! She thought back to the voice.

Then a smirking face with a scar over one eye and long, light brown hair, and the body that it belonged to appeared, faintly glowing blue. It was Anakin Skywalker. The one and only, Snips.

What… how? That’s not possible! You’re…

Dead? Evil? Gone? You have to remember that almost nothing is as it seems. She could have sworn she heard a chuckle in the background. Ahsoka, there is a way of saving your Order. It’s not a skill I had the chance to go over with you before you decided to leave, but there is a way of using the Force to make a barrier around an object, or multiple objects.

What are you saying? Ahsoka asked the apparition, now quite wonder-struck.

I’m saying that it’s what you have to do to save them. Gather everyone. Together, you have enough power to make a shield around the Temple area. Good luck, Snips, and may the Force be with you. Then Anakin disappeared.

Gradually, Ahsoka came back to reality. She looked around her, and found just about everyone staring at her. They all had questioning looks on their faces.

“Ahsoka, are you all right?” Lux asked, and put an arm around her comfortingly. This raised a few eyebrows.

She would have leaned into it like she usually did, but she suddenly remembered that no one was really aware that they were together. They had been pretty discrete with their relationship in public, letting everyone believe that they were just really close friends. They didn’t think of it as lying. It was just withholding information that was not vital for anyone else to know.

No doubt this is going to be all over the camp by tomorrow, Ahsoka thought. She tapped his hand, both to show that she appreciated the gesture in the way that a friend would, and to tell him wordlessly to get off so they didn’t get deeper in. He got the message, and slowly the arm slid off.

“Yeah, Lux. I just…” She decided to omit from saying anything about Anakin, but she was going to tell them about his solution.

Lux was still concerned. “You looked a little out of it for a minute there.”

“I had a vision. The Force has chosen to show me what to do.” Several relieved smiles showed up at that. “Together, we should all be strong enough to create a shield using the Force around the Temple area. If all goes as planned, then it should be able to resist any bombardment.”

Semm seemed to be a little skeptical. “But, with all due respect, Master, you’re talking in the theoretical sense. Would this really work? I mean really work?”

“We’re with you, Master Tano,” said a seventeen-year-old Togruta named Ashla, “but could we really stop meteorites? We’re only padawans, and not really strong enough yet to use the Force like that.”

“There has to be another way,” came another voice from the back.

Ahsoka raised her hand, hushing the anxious murmurs of the groups of maybe ten people in front of her. “As sorry as I am to say it, there is no other way. These are dire times, and we have to work together to survive.”

She walked over to the sole, tiny window in the generator room and looked out. Tiny red spots were beginning to make an appearance high above. The meteorites were already in the stratosphere.

She turned back at ten of the lives depending on her to make the hardest decisions of the group and to give them a better future. “They’re coming.”

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