Chapter Nine: A Stranger's Insight

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*Hey everybody! Meet a new character! I won't tell you who they are yet though, so the POV will be unknown for now... and special thanks to @Agentcalypsoqueen, for letting me use their OC character, whose identity will be revealed on a later date!*

A young man sat alone in his ship, meditating on the future. He was one of the few Knights who had escaped the Jedi Purge unharmed… and alive. As he drifted through deep space, his long white hair blowing in the gentle breeze of the air vent nearby, he reflected on his friends, his family, and what was to come…

He saw a young Togruta, who was about his age, which was eighteen, running down a hallway. It looked remarkably like the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and he briefly wondered what time period he was seeing.

But then he noticed the lights. They were glowing green crystal, and the ones in the ruins of what was now the Imperial capital had been powered by electricity. Now it was quite possible that he was seeing one of the other Temples scattered in secret and hard-to-reach locations throughout the galaxy.

The Togruta girl stopped to speak with a boy with dark brown hair. Lux Bonteri! Thought the meditating Jedi, surprised. The former Senator for Onderon! But the Emperor took him hostage and cut short his terms as Senator almost three years ago! However did he escape?

Suddenly he caught some strains of a conversation. The ex-Senator was speaking to the Togruta. “What are we going to do?” he asked her. “The Empire has surely sent a full legion to wipe us out by now! It’s only a matter of time before they find our hiding spot!”

“There’s nothing we can do. It’s too late… I can sense that they’ve already reached the cave. We’d never get everyone out in time.” There was genuine anguish in her voice.

Wait, the Jedi thought. He was almost sure he recognized her voice and what she was wearing. Is that...?

She turned to look out a nearby window suddenly, and he got a profile. It was Ahsoka Tano! The Jedi who was near legendary in the Outer Rim, far from the eyes and ears of the Empire, for her very public framing and decision to leave the Jedi Order. There were even some rumors about what had happened to her after she left… but they were almost too incredible to believe. Almost.

“We can try,” Lux said. “We have to try. You can’t give up. Not now. Please…” He gripped her shoulder.

“There’s no hope left anymore. There’s nothing left. We’re going to lose this, Lux. I’m so sorry.” Tears began to drip down Ahsoka’s cheeks. “I’ve failed.”

Then the vision ended.

The Jedi Knight woke up suddenly, and his eyes widened. He was utterly shocked by what he had just learned. There was clearly a group of Jedi hidden somewhere far away, and they were about to be found by the Empire!

And Ahsoka Tano, the Jedi Who Left, as the people were calling her… he was so glad that she had survived the Jedi Purge. But where was she now? It had to be somewhere in the Outer Rim, because no group of more than two Jedi would be crazy enough to stay near Coruscant. And it sounded like she was protecting more than a few people.

And had that been… a lightsaber at Lux Bonteri’s belt? That wasn’t possible! Lightsabers were almost impossible to come by, even on the black market, although there had most likely been an increase in wares to sell if one was brave enough to go scavenging in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, which some were. And besides, he was associating with Ahsoka, and she wasn’t the type who let just anybody carry a lightsaber.

So it was only reasonable to assume that he was Force-sensitive.

With all of this information running wildly through his head, the Jedi walked into his ship’s cockpit. Using the Force to guide him, he entered the coordinates. The ones that he had chosen led to an Outer Rim system called Cial, which only had one planet, and was surrounded by an asteroid field.

Interesting choice, Ahsoka Tano, he thought. But with what I just saw, I think it’s safe to say that your remote hiding spot is about to be found.

Then he pulled a lever, and entered hyperspace.

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