Chapter Six: The Hero With No Fear's Last Hurrah

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*Sorry about the long descriptions coming up in this chapter... I want people to get a feeling as to what the New JEdi Temple on Cialone looks like, but I might have taken away from the action a little... Now read on!*


Ahsoka emerged at the main entrance a few minutes later. She then jogged outside, her lekku bumping up against her back and chest in a steady rhythm. Almost all of the sixty or so padawans and younglings in the Order were assembled in a large group and talking anxiously amongst themselves in hushed whispers. Mace Windu wasn’t amongst them.

The Temple, carved into a mountain, had taken a lot of ingenuity to build. The mountains in that particular region of Cialone were made of exceptionally soft rock, and easy to tunnel through. Great care had been taken to keep the outer rocks’ natural look, to make sure that if anyone ever came to the planet, they would think it was just another mountain.

There was only one feature that could be recognized by an outsider. The entrance wasn’t visible, because it was in an enormous cave that extended several hundred feet back before one finally hit the grand staircase leading up to the Temple, but if someone went further than that, they would find it. Ahsoka had also taken measures to provide everyone with night goggles so they wouldn’t have to buy lighting, which would also give them away. Besides, it cut some of the costs.

The mountain was actually about a hundred feet bigger than the original Temple, but the extra rock was used to create the camouflaged and defensive shell around the structure. But only some of the windows were right up against the inside of the mountain, therefore a system of reflective metal sheets had been installed to refract the light from outside into the Temple.

But building all this hadn’t been without a serious financial cost. Although Lux had managed to escape with a hefty sum before the Banking Clan had closed his account as Galactic Senator, his forty million just wouldn’t cut it. After a secret meeting with Bail Organa, the Price Consort of Alderaan, he had agreed to pay for the building of the Temple, and they had paid all of the costs to furbish it.

Pushing the thoughts of how the Temple had been built to the back of her mind, Ahsoka jumped lightly up onto an outcrop in the stone. Now confident that she had everyone’s attention, she began to speak.

“I know that you’re worried, I know that you’re probably pretty scared. But everything will work out all right if we work together.” She paused, letting her words sink in.

“For those of you who don’t know, the reason for our alarm is that the ray shield we installed to protect this area is malfunctioning. This would not normally be anything to be concerned about, but we have incoming meteorites. They’re probably in the atmosphere and headed towards us as we speak.”

Some fearful whispers darted throughout the people gathered in front of her. She waited for them to quiet down before she continued. “The generators can’t be repaired in time, but there is another solution. The Force has chosen to show me what to do.”

A tinge of hopefulness returned to the Force around the group. “Together, we have enough strength to create a shield using the Force around the area. With our combined abilities, it should be strong enough to deflect any bombardment.”

Uh, Master Windu, where are you? She sent through the Force, hoping he would pick up on it. She knew that he was in the surrounding country somewhere, but she didn't know exactly where. We kind of need your help right now!

Ahsoka could now see the shape and size of the meteorites clearly. They would be upon them in less than five minutes. “Everyone! Focus the Force upwards! Picture a dome around us like the ray shield!”

The padawans and younglings all raised their hands, doing as she said. Ahsoka looked to the right, and suddenly a familiar figure, slightly blue in color, was next to her.

Come to join the party, Master? She thought to it with a smile.

Anakin smirked his famous ‘Anakin smirk’. Well, the Netherworld of the Force does have infinite knowledge that you can meditate on and become wiser than Master Yoda and yada yada yada, but it’s definitely no fun for a guy who wants a little action.

You here just to watch, or are you actually going to move it and help us? She asked, raising a white eyebrow.

What do you think? He walked off through the crowd of people. There were cries of surprise and some of alarm, but he just smiled and kept walking. He was letting them see him too now. It’s just like the Second Battle of Geonosis.

When he was in the middle of the crowd and ready, he put his hands up. Well come on, guys! Look alive! The Hero With No Fear is back for a last hurrah!

Everyone raised his or her hands again, and a few people even cheered. The Chosen One had that effect on people. He brought them hope. Anakin looked over at her again. Hey Snips! This is where the fun begins!

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