Chapter Thirty-Eight: We'll Be Counting Stars

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Ahsoka and Lux lay together, side by side, in the meadow near the Temple. He had one of his arms around her, and her hypersensitive lekku were wrapped neatly around her neck like a scarf. They stared up at the bright pinpoints of light that made up their galaxy with planets, stars, and suns beyond count.

“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” she murmured wonderingly, as she pictured the people that lived and thrived around the stars.

“Just like something right next to me,” Lux said, sneaking a kiss at the tip of one of her montrals that stood nearly straight on top of her head.

She looked up at him. “No, I’m not beautiful.”

“You are to me.”

Ahsoka ran a finger through his bangs that always seemed to be a little too long. And even though he made such a fuss over cutting them, she loved him the just the way he was, which was crazy about her. She kissed him softly, once, twice, three times. Eventually, they parted, and continued to look up at the spectacle above them.

“Ahsoka, I need to tell you something.” He got up, disrupting her comfortable position next to him. He walked a few steps, facing away from her, but she soon followed. She sensed a great turmoil in him.

“Lux, you’re troubled. What is it?” When he said nothing, she looked down, rubbing his arm. “No, don’t push me away like this. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

Suddenly he turned around, taking her in his arms. “Ahsoka, it’s about your gift. We’ve… we’ve been together for a long time now. And in that time, I’ve discovered that I truly do love you.”

She knew where this was going. She stretched herself up to kiss him, but he put a finger on her lips, and she half-pouted, feeling dejected. The finger on her lips moved down to lift her chin so she was facing him again.

“I wasn’t finished. I just think that our love could be something more.”

“More? What do you mean?” She stood corrected: she did not know where he was going with this.

He sighed, slightly nervous. But it passed, and then the world stopped spinning. Because he was suddenly down on one knee, and the box that her gift was in was a ring box! “Ahsoka Tano, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

She gasped softly, looking down. “I…” she stuttered, trying to find the words. Then, after a moment, she looked up, and bent to kiss him.

“Yes,” she whispered, and kissed him again. She knew that this was where their relationship was meant to go. “Yes, Lux Bonteri, I will marry you.”

The smile on his face was to die for. He slid the ring, which was a plain gold band with a little white stone in the middle, onto her finger. Then, he jumped up, punched the air, and yelled, “Yes!! I’m engaged to the most amazing, perfect, beautiful girl in the universe! Woo-hoo!”

“Quiet, Lux! Someone will hear you!” she said, but there was a huge smile on her face too.

He grabbed her by the waist, picked her up and twirled her in the air, whooping joyfully. She screamed a little along with him too, letting it all out. She could, because she was officially engaged to the one and only true love of her life.

*Hello again! I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I SURE AS HECK DID!!! LuxSoka... it's my life. So yeah, hope you could deal with a slightly soppy two chapters, but I felt a little bad, because in previous books there's been a lot more LuxSoka moments... oh well. Enough ranting!

This wasn't the plot twist I spoke of earlier (I mean come on, it had to happen AT SOME TIME) but that will be coming soon. I am literally three or four chapters away from the end of the book, so I'm really happy! Thanks for sticking around for the ride!

Get your ship damaged and land on Tatooine and may the Force be with you,


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