Chapter Thirty-Five: Out of The Darkness

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A few minutes earlier…


Anakin felt like he was floating in a slow-moving, warm stream. He could almost hear the gentle lapping of the waves at the sides of wherever the shore was, but not quite.

All was in darkness. But gradually, it began to grow lighter. Like someone had an old gas lamp like the kinds that his mother had sometimes used on Tatooine to save power for Anakin’s various projects. It was gentle, and kind.

Then he knew where the lapping sound was coming from. It was the sound of the water hitting the sides of a boat. He moved himself up, so that he was treading the water and not floating. He didn’t really like swimming, but he knew how.

There was a small wooden boat approaching. And suddenly, he could see who was in it. Wearing a beautiful blue gown like the rushing waterfalls of Naboo, and holding the lantern that was lighting up the dark, was Padme.

There were little white flowers in her hair had a lightweight, floor-length coat made out of the same material over her dress. She smiled gently when she caught sight of him, and Anakin couldn’t help but smile back.

She put the lantern down in the boat, and extended a softly glowing hand to him. He took it, glad to be out of the water, and she pulled him into the boat. Oddly enough, Anakin wasn’t even wet.

“I had a feeling I would find you here,” she said. “In the darkness.”

“Oh, Padme, I’ve missed you so much!” He put a hand on her glowing cheek, and she put her own over it. He was about to kiss her, but she pulled away.

“Anakin, as much as I want to, time is limited. And I have to relay my message to you right away.”

“Padme, what’s going on? Have I died?” he asked, confused.

“No. You came close, but you aren’t dead. But with what’s going to happen you might,” she said, a look of worry on her lovely face. “Your father had something he needed to tell you, but he had to wait until you were weak enough to come here. In spirit, at least.”

There were questions in his eyes, but she didn’t give him the time to ask them. “Your father is… Is the Force, Anakin. Your mother became pregnant directly from the Living Force, and that is the reason behind the Chosen One.

“Now here’s what I have to tell you. Our children are still alive.”

“Wait, what? Children? You mean you had twins before you… you…” He couldn’t bring himself to say it.

“Yes. A boy and a girl. The girl is with Bail Organa and his wife on Alderaan. The boy is being watched by the Lars family on Tatooine, and by Obi-Wan. But you cannot interfere with their destinies. They are the ones who will destroy Vader, once and for all.”

“But… I don’t understand! And Obi-Wan! And my children!”

She nodded, taking his hands in hers. “I know. But there’s a reason you, the Light Side of Anakin Skywalker, aren’t gone for the moment. Your father has chosen to give you another chance. You were always meant to be with the Light Side of the Force, and he wants you to try to reverse what Vader has done by killing him.”

“But how can I kill myself? My mirror image? How is that possible?”

“You will know when the time comes. And until then, and forevermore, I will be watching over you. And from closer than you think,” she said, a tiny smile showing on her face. Her light was beginning to dim, as if their meeting was over. "And you must tell Ahsoka that something big is coming. Something bigger than what she's ever faced before. Take care, Anakin."

“I love you, Padme. And I’m sorry.” He began to cry silently.

“I know, Ani. I love you too.” She kissed him gently and sweetly on the lips, then disappeared, leaving him in darkness.

Anakin blinked his eyes open slowly. He was lying down under a little tent, which was keeping the snow off of him. The pretty white flakes were still falling down. He was about to sit up when a Storm Trooper-helmeted head leaned over him. And that was far too close for comfort.

He jumped, and might have screamed a little. He tried to scramble away, but then the person attached to it took their helmet off. And he was left looking at a familiar face.

“Kix?” he mumbled. He could have sworn that the clone he was looking at was indeed the clone medic Kix, but he couldn’t be sure…

“Yeah. It’s me. It’s good you’re awake. There’s somebody here who wants to see you, General Skywalker.” Wait. This was in the time of the Empire. Why had a Storm Trooper just called him that, as if he where still a Jedi General to them?

Slowly, with Kix’s help, he managed to sit up. He was still sore on the back, where he presumed someone had shot him. But he had been patched up pretty good, because this particular clone medic knew what he was doing.

And there, sitting on a crate beside him, was his old Captain Rex.

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