Chapter Thirty-Seven: So No More Counting Dollars

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*Hello humans! I actually had TWO chapters ready to post last night, and this is the first of these two. But it was my curfew already, and I didn't have enough time. So here's the first one, and I hope you enjoy!*


That evening, there was to be a party to celebrate a victory over the Empire and to release some of the tension that had been building up since the meteorite shower. All of the padawans were invited, and so were some of the higher-ranking and more politically important clones.

Ahsoka was tired from her recent ordeal, but she had to put on a straight face and endure it. It was going to be fun, anyways. Lots of food, and people to talk to…

The door to her room suddenly slid open, shattering her thoughts. “I haven’t seen you bare-backed in a while,” Lux said, leaning casually on the doorframe.

“Yes you have!” she said with a laugh, then smiled. “Well, you know what I mean.”

She was wearing the top of her old combat suit, the one that showed her back. She had paired it with her usual utility-belt, but instead of the four little flaps that normally went with it, there were four long strips of soft maroon fabric. She also wore her usual cuffed boots, and a simple pair of brown leggings.

She got up from her spot in front of her mirror, and walked over to where he stood. Pulling him down to her level, she pressed her lips soundly to his.

She had realized that this was the first time since their encounter in the hallway that they had been alone. This, not some big fancy party, was her idea of celebrating. They were happy to be alive, and to be together. All they needed, really, was each other.

After a few passionate kisses, Lux pulled away. She was about to ask why, because a celebration was supposed to last longer than a few seconds, but his mischievous smile stopped her words in her throat.

He reached into his pocket with one arm, but kept his hold on her. He pulled out a little box, and waved it triumphantly. “Happy birthday,” he said.

She gasped. “Oh, Lux, you shouldn’t have! And I completely forgot!” Normally, she strictly monitored his use of money, but this little purchase must have passed her by. It was the kind of box that jewelry came in.

“That’s why it’s my job to remember for you, Master Tano.” She pecked him on the lips again, then reached for the gift. “Ah, ah, ah! Not yet!” He pulled it just out of reach.

“Then when?”

“Come to the meadow with me. I know that I want it to be extra special.” There was some sort of glint in his eyes. She didn’t recognize it at all.

“But Lux, the party is going to start soon, and–”

“There’s time,” he interrupted. She could see that his mind was made up, and just decided to give in. She took his hand, and he led her outside.

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