Chapter Thirty-Six: And Into The Light

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A few minutes later…


Ahsoka continued to stare at the rigid lines upon lines of Storm Troopers, daring any and all of them to react. For a few tense moments, where the only noise was the slight hum of her lightsabers, the staring contest held.

Suddenly, with military precision, the rows of clones swept aside, standing to attention. For a second her heart froze with fear, thinking that it was Darth Vader or even the Emperor himself, but it wasn’t. It was two more Storm Troopers.

When they reached the front of the lines, they stopped and looked at her. Then they both stepped forwards, taking off their helmets.

“Rex! Cody!” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. She knew she had to keep her guard up, even if she knew these clones, so she hid behind her battle-ready mask again, and lowered her tone of voice. “What are you doing here? With Storm Troopers, no less?”

“There’s no need to be like that, General,” Rex said. Her eyebrows shot up, for two reasons. One, why were they calling her General? And two, how did they know that she would now be a general, had the Republic still been in power?

“We don’t mean you any harm. I guess you haven’t heard, but a clone rebellion has begun all over the known galaxy. The Storm Troopers in the five or six legions in the system have been either detained or executed. The Clone Troopers are in complete control.”

“And… why have you stayed here, and not regrouped with the others?” she asked, turning her lightsabers off. But they didn’t leave her hands. “If I am to believe you, that is.”

“As the last known Jedi Commander alive, or General I should say, we thought it best to report to you."

“And if you’re not Storm Troopers, then what are you?”

“We, General Tano, are the Rebel Troopers.”

After a few serious revelations, Ahsoka no longer had any doubts about the legitimacy of Rex, Cody and the Rebel Troopers. According to him, over half of the Imperial Army had deserted, and had joined the Rebels. He told her of Order 67, and how Vader had told him to initiate it.

“And so the Rebel Troopers, and about half of the Imperial fleet, are now hiding in the Hoth system?”

“Yes sir. There is almost no Imperial presence there, and it’s a safe hiding spot. Only one of their planets, a frozen wasteland, can support life, and there isn’t even enough to fill one of the cruisers,” Cody said.

She bit her lip, in deep thought. “And… do you know what happened to Anakin? He was in pain, and–”

“Looking for me, Snips?” And there, sitting upright on a stretcher was her old Master. She ran over to him, and hugged him tightly. “Easy, easy! This giant welt on my back still hurts, you know!”

Ahsoka promptly began to fuss over him, making sure that he was comfortable and in absolutely no pain. He complained that he would be much better off if he was allowed to stand, but that wasn’t what the doctor had ordered.

“Did you hear, Ahsoka? We’re in a full-blown rebellion! We can finally do something against the Empire! We have legions and legions backing us now!”

He looked so happy. But she wasn’t sure if she wanted all of that power. She was only one girl, after all…

“You need someone to rally behind, but I don’t know if I can be that person. I’m just… Ahsoka. I’m not Grand Admiral material,” she said slowly.

“Yes you are,” Anakin said. “I’ll help you from the shadows. The Empire, and more importantly the Emperor, can’t know that I’m alive. But the galaxy needs you. And you can either sit back, and rebuild the New Jedi Order hidden away… or you can rebuild it in plain sight, in a new Galactic Republic! The choice is yours alone.”

When she didn’t answer right away, he continued. “You’re a light, Ahsoka. A Light In The Dark. You can be a beacon of hope for the galaxy. I see that now. It’s your destiny.”

She was quiet for a few moments. It was a lot to take in. She, Ahsoka Tano, the padawan of the Chosen One, was to be the face of their Rebellion!

“I’ll… I’ll do it, Master. You’re right: I’m ready. It was what I was meant to be. I’ll be your Light In The Dark.”

*AND THAT WAS HOW THE REBELLION WAS BORN!!!! But there is still that threat that Padme spoke of... what could be in store for our heroes? Will the Empire be destroyed once and for all? WILL AHSOKA SAVE THE GALAXY AND BRING BALANCE TO THE FORCE??!?

You'll see in the next chapter!

Fulfill your destiny and may the Force be with you,


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