Chapter Thirty-Three: Hiding Holocrons/ A Dark Idea

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Ahsoka ran through the New Jedi Temple towards her room. Entering the access code, because all of the doors shut down when the alarms were on, the door slid open. She rushed inside, to the wall behind her bed.

Although it had cost a small fortune to install and then to camouflage, a section of about two square meters by four of the wall was pure beskar iron. So unless you had the voice-recognition codes that she did, you weren’t going to get inside it with anything, even a lightsaber.

She pushed a button and repeated the access code, and part of the wall paneling slid away. It revealed her secret hiding spot, and what was inside it: all of the Jedi holocrons that she and Lux had rescued all those years ago during the execution of Order 66. Because she didn’t trust anywhere but her own bedside for this precious treasure trove, she had had the stash built.

The holocrons beckoned to her, telling her to use their knowledge, but she couldn’t at the moment. Ignoring their pull, she pushed another button inside the cavity. The platform that the holocrons were on moved backwards, and the dipped down to where Ahsoka knew another hatch would open, and they would be accessible from the outside of the mountain, if she wasn’t able to get inside.

Satisfied, she closed the hatch again, and left the room.


The clones were in full revolt. They had donned their Storm Trooper armor, but unanimously refused to wear their helmets, so that you could tell their brothers apart from everyone else. Some of them had even broken into old armor production facilities and were wearing old Clone Trooper helmets. The evil of the Sith was slowly coming undone.

Emperor Palpatine could the outbreaks everywhere on the holonet. No matter how many channels he switched to, it was there. Even on the stations of the most backwater planets, it was the biggest news that anyone was able to talk about.

And frankly, it was starting to get on his nerves. Every news report was like a slap in the face. He had just lost half of his grand Imperial Army, and far more than that of his Imperial Starcruisers. And he had just lost his ability to keep things orderly and under control in the eyes of the public.

How had Order 67 been initiated? There were only two people that knew about it, and those were himself and Vader. Nala Se and Lama Su had passed away of… suspicious, but natural causes. Those two loose ends had been tied a little after his rule as Emperor had begun.

Palpatine had already gone through his apprentice’s mind with a fine-tooth comb. There was nothing to suggest that he had told anyone, or initiated it himself. And he himself had most certainly not told a soul. Nothing he could remember, anyway. And it was nearly impossible to use the mind trick on a Sith to make him forget he told.

And if there’s anything Sith are good at, it’s backstabbing their fellow Sith, and keeping secrets.

Suddenly another possibility occurred to him. Lord Vader had told him that Lux Bonteri had escaped with Ahsoka Tano’s remains while he had been unconscious on the ground, after having killed Barriss Offee. According to Vader, his ship had made the jump to hyperspace before they had been quite ready to follow.

And although the boy was extremely bright, and a smart politician, he just didn’t have the power to orchestrate this. A secret so well-kept and on a scale as large as this was beyond him. But it wasn’t beyond another…

Yes, he thought to himself. It must be so. She must be alive. No other could be responsible but Ahsoka Tano.

Although the Emperor had no idea how she had survived getting run clean through with Offee’s lightsaber – perhaps by transplanting her vital organs into a new body like General Grievous had been – she was alive and scheming. He had never been so sure about anything in his entire life.

And no matter how long it took, he would find her.

*This may be my last update for today... it's kinda sad, because I really was on a roll. Oh well. And yes, some of you are probably like HE KNOWS right now about the Emperor. Some more dramatic irony: it was two 'simple' clones, under the guidance of Vader who has convenitantly had his mind wiped, who undermined Order 66.

It's just like with the Death Star. I don't know who said it or if this is word-for-word, but this is one of my favorite quotes from A New Hope. 'If the Empire thought that a one-man fighter would pose a threat, they would have a tighter defense.' Hehehehe AH SUCH DELICIOUS IRONY!!! (Nute Gunray said that in SWTCW, btw. Man I am really going all crazy about quotes today...)

Go insane when you find out that you have to live on the same planet as Jar Jar Binks and may the Force be with you,


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