Chapter Thirty: What Has Been Done

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"What are you planning?” Cody asked Rex for the third time as they walked towards hangar 17. There, they would board a shuttle to the Terminator, the cruiser on which they had arrived and where their Companies were waiting for them.

Although Rex was doing a good job of hiding it, Cody knew what his silence meant. He had an idea. And it was probably a good one.

“Can’t tell you yet,” he replied smoothly.

“Okay, Rexo, you’re starting to scare me. Just tell me what’s going on before I pry open your brain and find out myself!”

Cody could tell that he was shooting him one of his are-you-kidding-me rolling eyes combos under his helmet, but said nothing. “Fine. I’ll tell you when we get into the shuttle. No one will be able to hear us there.”

A big smile on his face, because he loved being included in the pranks and plans of the men in his barracks, and he picked up the pace a little. Within five minutes they had reached their destination.

They boarded their shuttle, then the deck officer cleared them for takeoff. Rex started the engines, and soon they were looking at a black backdrop with little pinpoints of light dotted here and there.

But he was purposely keeping their speed as slow as possible without attracting attention. As they took their helmets off, Cody proceeded to badger him with a steady stream of questions. “What’s going on? Why could we only talk here? How did Lord Vader come up with all this? And what are you planning?”

Finally Rex interrupted. “Okay, if I tell you, will you shut up, please?”

Happy that his ploy had worked, Cody nodded. He knew exactly how to get answers out of his friend. He knew pretty much all of the security codes, including the fact that he had once been in love with a certain Queen of the planet Arendelle…

Repeating that little tidbit always made him blush.

He took a deep breath. “We’re going to hijack a cruiser, we can only talk here because on the Destroyer and on the Terminator Tarkin could overhear us, Lord Vader didn’t come up with this part, I did, and I’m planning to reverse Order 66. Does that satisfy your curiosity?”

Cody’s jaw dropped so that he bore an uncanny resemblance to a goldfish. “You… you’re planning to… reverse Order 66?” He got his ability to speak back within a few moments. “Are you kriffing crazy?!”

“Maybe,” Rex said, and Cody’s jaw dropped another inch. “But Lord Vader told me something else, something that wasn’t recorded just in case something compromised the mission. This is the part that the Emperor absolutely can’t know.”

“Yep, you are crazy.” And he had thought that the other stuff was top secret!

“Just… listen, okay? I promise it will make sense. Only about four other people currently alive know about this, aside from me. Lord Vader, the Emperor, Prime Minister Lama Su of Kamino, and Nala Se programmed another Order into our DNA after Order 66, just in case something went really wrong with the first one.

“And another thing: the Jedi never wanted to take over the Republic. It was a lie so that Palpatine could take control of everything. But he needed us clones to do it. And get this. He was the Sith Lord that was Count Dooku’s Master and the one who orchestrated the entire war.

“And Fives wasn’t wrong. We have chips in our brains that conform us, making us less temperamental. But that’s also a lie. It was a disguise for its true purpose: to make all clones in the Army turn against their Jedi Generals when the time came. The password for all this was ‘the time has come, execute Order 66.’”

Cody was silent for a few moments, letting all of this new information sink in. “Uh, Rex? Can you dislocate my jaw, please? I need it to go down another few inches!”

“Sorry, no. And that’s just the shortened version. I’ll tell you the rest later. Now, I need to get Order 67 working, as General Skywalker – no, not Lord Vader – told me to do.” He pushed a button on his comlink, and suddenly Cody’s communicator rang.

He answered it, and a hologram of the Emperor came up. Although he didn’t know it, the same thing was happening with every Clone Trooper in the galaxy. “Commander Cody, what had been done must be undone. Execute Order 67.”

And suddenly he saw the light.


HOW DID THIS JUST HAPPEN?! Sorry, sorry, I just went completely bananas there for a second. But seriously! I don't even know how I wrote this epic INSANITY!!! I have already broken my code of honor not to interfere with the course of the movies LIKE EIGHT TIMES with this book!

On another note, I am not intentionally torturing you if the pace of my posting chapters slows down, but DOOMSDAY THE 12TH is approaching and that's the due date of my huge project. And credit for the idea about Rex and Elsa goes to @IssieKnight who is EXTREMELY AWESOME and a great writer! 

Blow up the Death Star II in the Millenium Falcon and may the Force be with you,


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