Chapter Twenty-One: Wake-Up Call

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*GAHHHHH!!! So sorry I didn't update! I really wanted to today, but my hyperdrive broke and realspace caught up with me in the form of THAT GAWDAWFUL PROJECT and I was working on it for most of the day. And I did have a new chapter ready, but for some reason the internet wasn't working LIKE ALL DAY and I couldn't post it. Oh well... I won't bore you with my rants any longer. Enjoy!*


Ahsoka’s eyes blinked open sleepily, then shut again against the light. It was another sunny day. With all that had happened, she had apparently forgotten to shut the curtain. Braving the light and opening her eyes again, she looked around the room. There were a variety of clothes strewn about on the floor. That was odd. She had cleaned her room only two days ago, and she wasn’t a messy person at all!

Then, when the blankets around her shifted, she realized what was going on.

So Lux had spent the night again. That explained the disarray in her room. Ahsoka glanced up at him, not moving a muscle. He was a light sleeper, and if she did anything then she would wake him. His hair was all messed up, and sticking out in little tufts.

He always complained that he had to get it cut, but actually ran and hid when she got the scissors. She had always theorized that he had a secret hideout somewhere in the Temple, because he could hide for days on end, and then would come back when he deemed it to be safe not looking underfed or unwashed at all. But tried as she had, she had never found it.

But it was too early to think about her boyfriend’s secret lair and all that. They weren’t even dressed yet. Their clothes were the ones on the floor, and she was only wearing an ancient tube top from her time as a padawan that somehow defied nature and still fit her. She also had a little pair of shorts that were worn underneath her everyday outfit on. Lux was still wearing his pants, was shirtless.

By now, Ahsoka’s mind was wide awake, but her body still wanted to sleep. So she snuggled back down, and pulled the covers up a little. Lux shifted, but didn’t wake up. That was good, because with his job as Lookout Operator, he usually didn’t get a full six hours of sleep a night. He needed it.

Her eyes were just fluttering shut again when the door burst open.

Ahsoka hissed like a valve of compressed air. It took her less than a second to realize that the door wasn’t malfunctioning, and that someone had just barged in without knocking on her and Lux.

Suddenly embarrassed, she shouted out a string of curse words, and yanked the covers up over her until everything under her widened eyes was covered. She looked at the two intruders – Anakin and Christopherus – with a dizzying mixture of fear, shame, anger and humiliation.

In the middle of all this, Lux had woken up, somehow assessed the situation without freaking out and was trying to half-shield her from their stare. His thoughts were black as a storm cloud and just about ready to shoot lightening.

Ahsoka then managed to recover her wits. Loosening her grip on the blankets just enough to get an arm out, she pointed at the door. “Turn. Around. Now,” she said. “Or I swear neither of you will live to see tomorrow.”

To make her point, she concentrated on the surrounding tension in the air, and pulled it towards her. Then golden sparks started to crackle in the palm of her hand and at her fingertips. Using emotions to create energy was an old Jedi tactic that she had reformed slightly to be able to channel her special power.

Christo and Anakin turned around obediently. Although her old Master didn’t remember it, Ahsoka had been forced to use it on him a few years before when he had been attacking the Jedi Temple. For Christo, simply seeing something like that was enough to scare him into submission.

Ahsoka shut off the electricity with the ease of someone flipping a light switch, then used to Force to bring her fuzzy brown bathrobe across the room and into her hand. Putting this on, she got out of bed and turned to face them.

She crossed her arms, and shot them a death-glare when they turned around. “Now give me a valid reason for walking in on me like that, or you’re both really going to suffer.”

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