Chapter Twenty-Seven: Christo's Gift

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*Yay! Second update for today! Enjoy, especially YOU, @Agentcalypsoqueen because some of the changes you asked me to make to you character are here! I hope I got them right!*


"What?” Ahsoka whisper-yelled. Christo glanced at them, an inquisitive look on his face. Anakin glared at her, and she promptly turned down the volume.

“You don’t have your lightsaber?” she hissed. “Why? What happened?”

“I told you, it wasn’t with me!” he whispered back. “Other than that I don’t know. The last thing I remember was Obi-Wan taking it, but… Obi-Wan.”

The name brought back so many memories and feelings. Not necessarily good ones. Ahsoka seemed to have read the question in his eyes as clearly as if he had said it aloud. “Yes. He’s alive and well.”

He struggled to stop his expression from changing. “I don’t… I don’t know what to say to that. It seems like Darth Vader and I share a consciousness sometimes. I want to be happy, and he wants to be angry. I don’t know which one to choose.”

She put a hand on his shoulder. “You’ll figure it out eventually, Master. Just try not to keep it all bottled up inside. You can tell me anything. And… and there’s something else you should know about Obi-Wan and what happened on Mustafar two years ago.”

It was that moment that Lux chose to cut in. “All right! We’re ready to go, guys!” He noticed their downcast expressions. “Guys?”

“It’s okay, Lux. I’ll tell you later.” She tilted her head up and touched her lips to his briefly, then headed over to the tunnel.

Lux slid down, and she jumped in after him. Anakin hung back, motioning for Christopherus to go first. But the young man didn’t budge. Instead, he drew a lightsaber from underneath his cloak, and held it out to him.

“I can’t take this,” Anakin said, shocked. Taking a Jedi’s most valued possession was unthinkable. You didn’t just give a lightsaber away!

“You have to. You can’t go unarmed, and besides, look at the lightsaber.” But, it was the spitting image of his own! Had he looked from one to the other, he wouldn’t have been able to tell them apart!

“It looks like mine! How…?”

“I really looked up to you as a padawan. After I my other two, I made one just like yours. Except that the blade,” he said as Anakin took it and turned it on, “is white.”

Anakin tried to hand it back. “But what about the saberstaff you were telling me about? Isn’t this half of it?”

“I made all three so that they could all fit together with one another, if the need arose.”

“And the other half of it is a darksaber, right? Aren’t those the weapons of the Sith? And where did you find one of those?”

“It’s not a Sith weapon,” Christo said calmly, climbing to the edge of the pipe, “if its maker and owner isn’t a Sith.”

Then he slid down, and Anakin followed. It was time for some action, and now he felt like he was actually ready for it.

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