Chapter Twenty-Two: Questionable Actions

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Cody was bored. He and Rex had been standing guard inside the Executor’s briefing room, forced to listen to politically idealistic military officers drone on and on about the Empire this, the Imperial Senate that. And after three hours, they hadn’t even mentioned the installation of the secret Imperial base in the Cial system.

When two old geezers decorated in shiny medals got into an argument over something about the Commerce Guilds, Cody used the distraction to tilt his head at his friend and clear his throat. Rex nodded at him ever so slightly. That was their signal.

The two of them had grown very close over the course of the last few years, despite not being in the same legions. Being high up on the food pyramid of the command of Lord Vader’s personal troops came in handy sometimes, because they were often sent on the same missions together. They had even been able to create their own secret language based on old Republic hand signals.

At first, it had been for military purposes, for example in case one of them was caught by one of the Empire’s enemies. But because there was never really any need for it, Cody and Rex would use it to have secret conversations during meetings like these when nothing they were hearing was of ay importance to them.

According to the secret code, tilting one’s head and clearing their throat was telling the other that they wanted to talk, and nodding was accepting.

‘This is probably the dullest meeting I’ve ever had to sit through by a long shot. And that’s saying something,’ Cody motioned. Unfortunately, they couldn’t express emotions through their words, only exactly what they wanted to say, meaning he had to leave a few things out. But that was how the language worked.

‘I know, right?’ Rex motioned back. ‘I would like nothing better to just say what we have to and start boarding for Cialone. And I’m usually the patient one out of the two of us!’

Cody nearly shook his head, but at that moment the high-ranking Imperial officers turned to look at the door, near where they were standing. A late arrival walked in, and sat down with them. Then the conversation resumed.

When it was safe, he began moving his hands again. ‘Hey! I can be patient too!’

‘Yeah, sure thing, brother. When protocol droids grow wings and fly,’ Rex said. Even though Cody couldn’t see his face, he was sure Rex was smiling under his helmet.

Now it was his turn to smirk. ‘Technically, I did see one of those fly off of–'

‘Shut up!’ Rex interrupted. ‘They’re talking about the Death Star!’

Cody rolled his eyes. Rex, if he could do it without breaking any rules, liked to listen in for little military secrets when he could. He supposed that it was as close as you could get being a clone in the Imperial Army to gossip, but he had always thought that Rex had an ulterior motive. Only, he couldn’t figure it out…

“This battle station will be the ultimate power in the universe, of that I’m certain!” said one officer, who wasn’t as decorated as the others. The guy pushed a button, and a hologram came up. It looked like the plans for the Death Star!

Then Cody’s trained ears picked up a little noise, like a lens being readjusted. He looked over at Rex. He had activated his helmet camera! (This was the one new feature that Cody didn’t mind about the new Storm Trooper armor design, though he wouldn’t admit it even if his life depended on it.)

He was taking pictures of the plans, which was breaking just about every rule in the book. But Rex was such as sucker for the rules! He never broke them!

Under his helmet, he looked over at his friend. Rex, what are you doing?!

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