Epilogue: Chaos and Order

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Ahsoka had been drifting for who-knows-how-long. She couldn’t find her way. It was like she was floating in oil, or something with the same texture. Some sort of slow-moving body of water. She could even hear the sluggish waves slapping against the shore, wherever that was. And everything was darker than black.

As she floated, she heard echoing snippets of conversations. It was like they were both really far away, and right next to her. She would see images sometimes, too. The first one was of a worried young Twi’lek girl.

“I don’t understand how Master Tano is still alive right now, even if she is in a coma. I analyzed the poison in her bloodstream. It’s lectrosterine, a toxin native to Shili, her home world. The amount that was in the dart should have killed her. We have her stabilized and ready for what little treatment we can give her. The rest… she’ll have to do that on her own.”

The next snippet was also interesting.

“I don’t know who that caped person was, Cody, but they shot the dart at General Tano. I saw it with my own eyes.”

Someone with an identical voice answered, “Then why didn’t you say something earlier, Rex?”

“I was drunk, okay? There. I said it. Laugh all you want, but it rarely happens. I only remembered a while later.”

The second voice laughed. “You are turning into such a stiff, you know! Everyone has a drop too much sometimes!”

“Yeah, well…”

Suddenly the words became darker.

“If I find out who did that to my Snips… I swear, I won’t be able to hold back. If she dies… she’s the last link I have to my life before the war. I would follow her. I have no other reason to stay. I had this illusion that Padme and her child were alive, but it was just a dream.”

“Anakin,” someone said, and she saw an image of a brown-haired young man putting a hand on this Anakin person’s shoulder. “You know that she wouldn’t want that. As much as we would all die for her, or put ourselves in her place, she hates that more than all the corruption and strife in the galaxy. And… we both love her, even if it’s in different ways. We can make it.”

“I just… I miss her, Lux.”

“I know.”

Suddenly she saw a man, who was probably about twenty years old. He had brown hair, cropped close to his scull, brown eyes and a serious expression. He was kneeling before a masked and caped figure. Darth Vader, she thought, then wondered how she knew that. She didn’t even know who, what or when she was.

“Yes Master,” they said. “I will seek out those who oppose Palpatine’s rule and add fuel to the fire. The plan will progress by your designs, and Sidious will fall.”

“Now go, Lord Starkiller, and do as I bid you. There can be no room for error.”

“Yes Master.”

Slowly, Ahsoka began to feel her memories returning to her. She understood the conversations that she had heard, and the images, but she still didn’t know where she was.

And even though she could see nothing, she got the feeling that the darkness had suddenly gotten closer. And then the images than she saw were even more frightening.

She saw herself, though a few years older, judging by her lekku and montrals. But her veins almost seemed to be darker, and more pronounced against her skin. And her eyes were as yellow-red as burning coals.

“Come with me,” someone said. It was Lux, also a few years older, but his eyes were red as well. “Together, we can rule the galaxy! Make things the way that we want to be! You will be the Dark Empress…”

“And… I will have power. I will be Darth Sorena,” the not-Ahsoka said.

Suddenly she saw… evil things. The Dark Side Ahsoka, Darth Sorena, and Lux. Slaughtering the innocent. Zadyn, Amni, Chulya, Christo… and so many others. There was no stopping them.

And suddenly there was a light. A glowing figure appeared, with white flowers in their streaming brown hair and a gown that flowed like water. They were equipped with two blindingly white lightsabers, and were somehow slashing and cutting away at the darkness. The shadows fled, shrieking as they went.

The black fell away like a screen, crumbling to nothingness. Shining white filled the space. Satisfied with its work, the figure turned towards her.

Ahsoka gasped. She couldn’t believe it. It was… it was…

Back in the real world, Ahsoka began to talk in her coma-induced sleep. “Rihaya trohiba… Padme… Padme’s alive.”


That was the Star Wars theme that I just wrote there, btw, to symbolize THE END OF BOOK SIX! *the end credits start to scroll onto the screen, because I always imagine theses like they're movies* SO MYAARRRR!!!! NOW I CAN START WRITING BOOK SEVEN!!!!!!!!!! Well, not actually, because I have some other books that I promised myself I would work on IN DETAIL first, but I might write a few chapters.

And it's funny that where I live (because you people might live in different time zones than I do) it's Febuary 12th, DOOMSDAY. I did my project, and I even got an award for it, and got to go up onstage to accept it! Awesome! So what's weird is that I finish the book and the project once and for all on the same day... huh.

Thank you again SO MUCH for being so awesome and for hanging around for this book to be finished! And I hope you enjoy Book Seven, coming soon! (And maybe even a book eight, but nothing's certain yet.) YOU GUYS ARE THE BESSSTTTT!!!!!

Bring balance to Light and Dark Sides of the Force and may the Force be with you ALWAYS,


PS: Sorry for the long note, but I LOVE TO TALK!!! Until the next time!

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