Chapter Fifteen: Breaking In

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This journey through the pipes was much like the last time. They were careless in certain places, and careful in others. Ahsoka’s senses were alive with excitement – and a hint of dread.

As they reached the lip of one of the pipes, she spoke up. “I can’t believe we’re back here again. Lux, I don’t know why, but I think we should be cautious. I get the feeling that something’s not right.” 

“I get it. I feel like a Jedi tonight, and look like a Jedi, too. And my pretend relationship with the Force is telling me the same thing.” 

 “I think we should go to the Holocron Vault first. I sense that we’ll be successful there right away,” she said. The plan was pretty flexible, anyways. They hadn’t picked a route in yet, which meant that they could go either way. 

Sliding down their chosen pipe, Lux and Ahsoka made their way to directly above the entrance of the Vault. Ahsoka cut a hole in the metal separating the two, and they were in. They stood just beyond the apparent security measures. 

“You did dismantle the security measures, didn’t you?” asked Lux, fearful of sudden laser beams. 

“Yeah, don’t worry. I hooked up the system to my com-link. So, just a push of a button, and we’re in!” She acted out the motion as she spoke. As if on cue – for it was – all of the laser beams deactivated. 

“Let’s move!” She darted in first. They then proceeded to look at the little inscriptions underneath each holocron. It was only after searching for a long time that Lux stumbled across a little notch in the floor in a corner – literally. 

“Ouch!” he cried out, rubbing his foot. Then he realized what he had tripped on. “Um, Ahsoka, I think I’ve found something.” 

“What?” she asked, coming over. The excitement and relief that this was not some wild chase was barely masked in her eyes. 

“It’s some kind of notch. I wonder if…” He trailed off, and reached to pull it. It came smoothly in his grasp, and a small compartment, old and very dusty, came up. Several little protective metal sheets unveiled a small object.

This object itself was quite peculiar. It had elaborate patterns of some unidentifiable metal in geometric and symmetrical designs, and glowed faintly. Had Ahsoka not known better and have never had seen a Jedi holocron, she would have mistaken it for one easily. Except, those of the Jedi were little cubes, and glowed a soft, light-blue color. This one had a square-based pyramid shape, and glowed a sickly yellow, rimmed with red. 

Just like the Sith Lords’ eyes, Ahsoka thought absentmindedly. Suddenly, realization coursed through her, and her blood froze up in its veins. Today. It’s today. Oh, no.

“Order 66,” she said, in a tiny whisper. 

“What?” asked Lux, clearly troubled by the look of deadly calm on her face, one that he had hardly ever seen before. 

“Order 66,” she said again, a little louder then before, as she clutched the Sith holocron. “It’s why we needed this information; it’s why we broke into the Temple!” 

 “What is it? I don’t understand.”

“It’s the reason we’re here. It’s the apocalypse as far as the Jedi are concerned. And it’s happening right now!” She had the look of someone who was part of a race facing extinction. And she was, from the Sith. 

Suddenly the sound of laser shots, dimmed by the doors, filled the air. 

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