Chapter Nine: A Light Flickers

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Soon, Lux’s speech was over, and had he preformed marvelously, in Ahsoka’s opinion. His entourage was congratulating him profusely. Any Jedi could feel the strong feelings of her love emanating from her. She realized this, and closed up her aura of electricity like a box.

It hurt her not to let it out in some way, or to keep it active. It took a large amount of her willpower and strength to keep at at bay. She then realized that while this was a rare power of the Light Side, it could still turn her to that of the Dark of she indulged it a degree too far.

My power hurts, she thought anxiously. I don’t know how Master Yoda can stand it when I can’t. He’s far wiser than I am, and more knowledgeable about the Force, he must’ve found a way to do it. I wonder if it’s even the same thing as his?

Her head was hurting. Her whole body was hurting. It was almost too much for her to go up against the Power. She stumbled, and almost fell over. Lux, she thought weakly.

As if hearing her mental plea, he suddenly left his group and came to her side. “Are you feeling all right?” he asked her, bewildered at the fact that Ahsoka, usually so strong in mind and body, looked faint. “Is you rib acting up?”

“No, it’s not that. And this isn’t a ploy for your attention, either.” She smiled wryly, but weakly at her last remark. “I’m not feeling well.”

Lux turned to his fellow Senators, who had gathered to see what was the matter. “My friend here is unwell. If I could take her back to my apartment, she could rest up, and regain her strength.”

After some deliberation and a request sent to the Chancellor himself, a reply came back that Senator Bonteri and his unwell friend would be allowed a leave of absence for the rest of the day. After all, it was only an hour or two from the end of the Senate’s day.

Leaning on Lux’s shoulder, they made their way back to the Senator’s speeder, and went home. Once Ahsoka was inside and lying down in her room, she blacked out and started muttering feverish, incomprehensible words.

But she seemed to know that Lux was at her side, and was trying to psychologically break free of her fever. “Yoda…” she murmured. “Get Yoda…”

Understanding that Master Yoda might know more about whatever illness was plaguing his special friend, he raced over to find his communicator. “Jedi Council, this is Senator Bonteri. I wish to speak with Master Yoda.”

Soon a hologram of the requested Jedi was up. “Senator, unexpected, your transmission is. Something wrong, is there?”

“Yes. Your former Jedi padawan Ahsoka Tano, who lives with me as my personal bodyguard, is very ill. I think that it is caused by her new power. It’s put her into a fever, and she has been asking for you.”

“Hm. Suspected something about her, the Council did, and feared the worse, we have. There soon, I will be.”

The transmission ended. Lux went back over to her side. He massaged her face with a cool cloth, and then kissed her on the forehead. “It will all turn out all right, Ahsoka. I won’t lose you. Hang on. Can you hear me? Hang on, Ahsoka!

Ahsoka drifted, weightless. In a visionary state, she floated, in terrible pain. It was more than she could bear. She was too hot, but cold on the inside. She couldn’t move. The desire to send lightening racing from her fingertips in lacey, fiery-gold strands of electricity was powerful, just so powerful.

I can’t hold on, she thought sluggishly. Is this how Sith feel when they use the Power of Lightening? If I thought inwardly as they do, it might not hurt so much to keep it inside.

No! Her inner voice answered firmly, cautionary. You are an asset of the Light Side, and not a fallen Jedi, no matter how you feel or how powerful you think you are.

You are a Jedi Knight. And a Jedi Knight you will always be. You will be one with the Force when you die, and your strongest ally in the galaxy is the Force. You will survive. You are Light.

“Hang on. Can you hear me? Hang on, Ahsoka!” she heard Lux say.

I will hang on. I will be able to. I am LIGHT.

*Sorry if the POV isn't that clear... Ahsoka blacks out, but she's still conscious through the Force as to what is happening.*

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