Chapter One: Tender Moments

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One month prior…  


“Ahsoka? Ahsoka, where are you?” asked a voice she knew well. “I know that you’re trying to sneak up on me.”

 Ahsoka Tano, the personal bodyguard to Galactic Senator Lux Bonteri of Onderon, almost laughed aloud at his vain attempt to find her. She was hidden safely in a tree, and its leafy branches kept her from view. 

It was two weeks after they had returned to Onderon, after an incredible adventure in which Lux had been captured in an attack on the planet directed at her. She had had to use her cunning, resolve and new powers – how to direct and redirect Sith lightening – to their full potential to rescue him from the Separatists, even with a painful injury that was just starting to heal. 

 Ahsoka tormented Lux by staying hidden for another few moments, then hopped lightly from her tree branch and down onto him. The impact made him fall over and land on the soft grass, sweet-smelling where the stalks had been broken. 

 “I guess you found me, then,” he said, rolling over so that she was lying on top of him. 

“You must learn, youngling, that the Jedi are Masters of not being found, if they don’t want to be found,” she said with mock seriousness, to which he laughed. 

 “Oh, I’m going to miss it here.” He moved, with some difficulty due to her added weight, on his back with his arms behind his head. “Coruscant is almost entirely metal: there’s no grass or plants to have fun in with you.” 

“Ah, well, that’s your duty as Senator. But your faithful bodyguard will accompany you wherever you decide to go.” She smiled at him. 

 “I know you will,” Lux said, and gave her a long kiss on the lips. 

They would have gladly stayed like that for a long time if an approaching presence hadn’t interrupted them. “Senator? Your ship is ready, and it’s time to go.” 

Anakin Skywalker pushed away the long, leafy vines that had been obstructing Ahsoka and Lux from view. Luckily, they had stopped kissing, and were already on their feet and brushing themselves off when he arrived. He hadn’t intruded on anything. 

“Of course. I was just spending some quality time with nature before we left.” He smiled mischievously, and slipped an arm around her waist. “And with my personal bodyguard.” 

To that comment he got a slap on the shoulder. He really has no shame, does he? Ahsoka blushed when she realized that she had spoken aloud. 

Her old Master did nothing but roll his eyes to that. “Come on.” 

They made their way to the top floor of the young Senator’s country home, and finally, to the flat roof, which was a landing pad. A Republic ship was waiting for them. 

 “Is everything packed?” Lux asked an attendant, who nodded. He climbed aboard the ship, but Ahsoka faltered, and turned to Anakin. 

 “Will you come with us?” Ahsoka asked.

“Well, the Jedi Council has ordered me to accompany the Senator back to Coruscant, after the obvious threat to his life a few days ago, so yes.”

“You asked them if you could, didn’t you?”

“I did, I’ll admit it. And the Council still doesn’t know about your current status, provided Obi-Wan hasn’t told them. They’ll be quite surprised if they see you at the Senate Building with Lux.”

“Thanks. I need to remain anonymous for as long as possible, because I’m apparently messing with the plans of Count Dooku, even if I don’t know how. I don’t even know if going back to Coruscant is the right thing to do.”

“Well, trust your feelings, little one. If you feel that it’s the right decision, then do it.”

“You’re starting to sound like Obi-Wan.”

“Well, now I understand what he means by ‘wisdom comes with age, Anakin.’”

She laughed at his impression of Obi-Wan. “Come on, the ship’s about to take off. Let’s go.”

As they climbed the ramp into the ship, several thought were running around in her mind. Anakin seems different, she thought. More serious, and more severe. She dismissed it. He’s just growing up. That’s all. It’s nothing to worry about.

Or is it?

* Aww yeah, bring on the Luxsoka, people! Now continue reading.*

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