Chapter Seven: Midnight Meeting

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“Ahsoka. Ahsoka, are you awake?” Someone was shaking her. But it didn’t sound like Lux, or any of his attendants. It didn’t matter: all that mattered was that there was someone that she didn’t recognize in her room.

In a split-second she had kicked out, weakening their stance, and grabbed one of her lightsaber out from under her pillow. She knocked them over with a few quick punches and held her lightsaber, which was on, at their throat. Then she realized who it was.

“Obi-Wan?!” she yelled out, and then got over the shock. “What on Coruscant are you doing here?” 

 “Well, first, I’d like to compliment you on your attack strategy. Your form really was excellent. Now can you please remove your lightsaber?” 

“Oh. Sorry,” she said, complying, as he got up. “I didn’t know it was you.” 

“Well, it’s understandable. And now I must tell you: the Jedi Council has ordered me to report on your every movements.” 

“Which is literate for, ‘they asked you to spy on me’! Why? Why would they do it?” 

 “They are concerned about Count Dooku, and feel that if we watch you, they will find out more. And also, they suspect something. Master Yoda claimed that when he saw you, you felt… electric. In the way that one is when charged with Sith lightening.” 

Ahsoka knew that her face must have turned a shade or two paler at this news. “I am loyal, and always will be loyal, to the Republic, and not to the Separatists or their leaders. But why are you telling me this?” 

 “I am not sure as to how far they will be willing to go to get answers on this matter, so I came to see you. To warn you.” 

 “Well, Master, next time don’t scare me out of bed to do it, all right?” 

 To this he smiled, with a hint of a laugh. “But you changed the subject. Can you explain about the electricity?” 

She bit her lip, noting her failure, and debating it. “I don’t want the Council to find out about it. Can I trust you?” To this he nodded. “I can’t tell you everything, because I don’t even know everything. I… I’ve unlocked some sort of power. That was why I felt charged to Master Yoda.” 

Obi-Wan Kenobi stroked his beard a little, in deep thought. “And is this power used by the Sith?”

“No: it’s similar in some ways, but not like theirs.” She thought of how her lightening was golden, and that that of the Sith was bluish-white. Her color was that of the side of Light, of this she was certain: both beautiful and deadly. But now that she had gotten used to it, she was certain that it would be with her for her whole life. 

“Your thoughts betray you. You’re thinking too loudly,” commented Obi-Wan. 

“Oh, I am? I guess I’m just so worried about everything and nothing these days that can’t keep my mind clear. I need to practice.”

“Meditate, young one. It will train you to keep your mind free of anxieties when the time comes.” He tapped her on the shoulder comfortingly. “Well, I have to be going. My watch will be over in a few moments. I need to get back to guard duty.” He headed over to the window, from which he had entered, and prepared to climb back out. 

“By the way, thanks for warning me about the spy work. I really don’t need to have unseen, curious Jedi on my tail. At least I know what’s in store,” she said. I know what’s in store only too well, she thought. Count Dooku’s death was accelerating things, and bringing the galaxy that much closer to Order 66. 

With a nod, the Jedi Master jumped softly out the window. She heard a slight noise as he hit the bushes in the garden on a balcony, and then all was quiet. But she couldn’t help but think about what Obi-Wan had said. 

When the time comes. And that’s soon, She thought despairingly. Too soon.

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