Chapter Six: Dooku's Worries/Obi-Wan's Mission

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Count Dooku was meditating in his chambers on Sereno. He was reflecting upon the problematic situation of the former Jedi padawan. How she has mastered her new power I cannot comprehend, he thought. She is too powerful for my liking. Master Sidious must be informed of these developments.

Getting up from his meditative position, he walked over to his communicator. To his surprise, his Master already wished to contact him. He pushed the button to accept the transmission. Kneeling down, he asked the hooded old man that came up, “What is thy biding, my Master?” 

 “Ah, Lord Tyranus. What have you to report?” 

 “Our plans are moving forward by your designs, Master, and will be ready on schedule. We now have the necessary amount of battle droids to launch our attack on Coruscant.” 

 “Excellent.” He paused, as if examining his apprentice. “Have you anything else that you wish to convey?” 

“Yes, Master. The situation of the former padawan has become more complicated. I have no idea as to how she has achieved this power, but she is able to direct and redirect Sith lightening. When I attempted to stun her, she redirected it back at me.” 

“Hm. You are right, this complicates matters. And what of her curiosity? I have sensed that she will soon commence her search for answers,” said the Sith Lord. “You must send a reliable bounty hunter after her. It is the best method of taking her out.” 

“It will be done, Lord Sidious.” 


Obi-Wan Kenobi made his way to the Council Chamber, at the very summit of the Jedi Temple. As the elevator climbed, his impatience grew. What will happen to Ahsoka? What will the Council decide on her part? He asked himself. 

 The elevator reached the top floor. Clearing his mind of such thoughts, he took his usual place in the ring of chairs designated for the Council members. 

“Now that Master Kenobi is here, we can begin,” said Mace Windu. “What have we to discuss?” 

 “A disturbance, in the Force, I have sensed,” said Master Yoda. “Intriguing, the return of Ahsoka Tano is.”

 “Yes, Master. I was aware of her return a few days ago. I’m sorry for not having said anything, but she claimed that she needed to stay unnoticed for as long as she could. She thinks that she is tampering with the plans of the Sith,” said Obi-Wan in explanation. 

 “She thinks that she is tampering with the plans of the Sith? Why isn’t she certain that she is or isn’t?” asked Ki-Adi Mundi. 

“I have come to conclude that when she encountered Count Dooku, he told her this, but she doesn’t know how she is,” replied Obi-Wan. 

 “Your thoughts on this, Master Yoda?” asked Windu. The wise old leader of the Jedi Council, who had been in deep thought, looked up. 

 “Strange these signs are. Plans to cripple the Republic, they may be. Under surveillance, she should be put, to see more clearly in these dark waters.” 

 “I agree,” said Master Mundi. “Let us have a voice vote on the subject.” 

Obi-Wan watched as each of the Masters in turn raised their voice to say either ‘aye’ or ‘nay’. When he had counted, he realized that so far there were several more votes to spy on her than not. 

“Nay,” he said when it came to him. The vote was soon finished. After a brief moment, all of the Jedi present had made the calculation. 

Windu voiced the answer. “The ayes have it. Former padawan Tano will be put under surveillance. Her actions away from the Senator’s residence, and who she speaks to, will be watched constantly by one or more Jedi.” 

They went on to decide who would be a part of the first watch, but Obi-Wan was too wrapped up in his thoughts to pay the matter much attention. What will I do? He asked himself. I either disobey the Council, or betray her.

Silently, he made up his mind. “I will take the first watch,” he said. “Ahsoka knows me well, and will not suspect anything if I’m nearby.”

“But clear, your feelings are in this, Master Obi-Wan?” asked Master Yoda, his eyes seemingly boring holes in him. He nodded, unable to say yes or no, and got up.

Bowing quickly to his fellow Council members, he said, “If you’ll excuse me, Masters, I will go to begin my watch.”

“May the Force be with you,” said Windu, and he left. 

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