Chapter Sixteen: Breaking Up

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“It’s an attack on the Jedi Temple!” Ahsoka cried. “We need to save the important holocrons!”

Lux said nothing, just began to take the ones that had important labels such as The History of the Jedi Order, or Catalogue of Future Jedi Younglings, or Important Jedi Rituals. He was careful to put each one in separate pocket in his bag, in case something happened if they hit one another. Soon, all of the most important ones were safely in either Lux’s or Ahsoka’s satchel. 

They were ready to go. Lux made his way towards the hatch that Ahsoka had cut in the wall, but she wasn’t following. 

Come on!” he yelled to her. “We don’t have a moment to lose!” 

 “I… can’t.” 


“I can’t. Those are Jedi out there. Younglings. Padawans. Masters. My kin,” she said with anguish. “What I can’t do is leave them. I at least have to try to save some of the younglings. Then the Jedi will live on.” 

Lux started to shake his head, but she gave him no chance to speak. “Lux – I’m not afraid of death; I will be one with the Force. But I have to go fight the evil that the Sith created.” 

“The Sith? Then it isn’t the Separatists.” 

“Sith, Separatists… Republic. It’s all the same.” She looked up at him, her blue eyes emptying of all panic until only logical reasoning was left. “You have to get the holocrons to a safe place. Bring them back to Onderon and hide them at the old Rebel base. I will save some of the Jedi if it kills me. And I’ll die before I see you hurt because of me, because you have them.” 

She grasped at his loose Jedi disguise. “I will see you again, whether it’s in this life or the Netherworld of the Force.” She hesitated, and then continued. “Lux… I always have loved you, ever since we met, and I’ll love you no matter what happens to me. I hope that you lead a long and prosperous life.” 

Then she kissed him soulfully, and then it was over. Too soon. It‘s all too soon for any of this to happen, she thought. 

“May the Force be with you, my love,” she said, and her eyes filled and started to drip water down her face. 

“May the Force be with you, too.” He released her from his arms, gave her back her lightsaber, and she walked to the door. 

“I love you,” he said quietly, as his tears of grief of losing someone he loved came. 

She opened the door to the vault, and walked, with the grace and power of all the Jedi Masters before her, out towards the nightmare that was Order 66. 

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