Chapter Thirteen: Disguises And Changing Direction

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*Hello all! It has come to my attention that I unintentionally skipped this chapter while posting the others. I guess that's to be expected, because I uploaded the chapters of the first five books in this series pretty much all at once... But it was pretty weird that it just happened to fall on number thirteen... O.o   o.O

Oh well, there's nothing more to be done about it now. I hereby present to you the long-lost Chapter Thirteen, complete with EXTRA NEVER-SEEN-BEFORE LUXSOKA CONTENT I WROTE AGES AGO!!! I hope you like it!*


The next day at sunset, when the Jedi watch was changing shifts, Lux and Ahsoka snuck out of the Senator's house. They would have to be careful, because Jedi are more perceptive than the average person, and might find them out where others would not.

"This is crazy!" whispered Lux as they climbed out a window on the other side of the building. "A Senator – sneaking out of his own house!"

"Pipe down, will you? If they hear or sense us we're dead," she whispered back. He quit complaining.

They locked their cable guns onto the windowsill over a dark alleyway far below. Sliding down the long, metallic cables, they made their way down to the transport that Lux had had his attendants park it there earlier that day. Ahsoka couldn't sense any Jedi nearby, and it was, in that way, the safest route.

They put on their Jedi costumes over their every-day clothes, and then put on the cloaks. They were soon ready to get moving.

"Here," she said, taking her smaller lightsaber off of its hook and fastening it onto Lux's Jedi belt where – if he had been a Jedi – his lightsaber would have gone. "It isn't normal for a Jedi to go anywhere without his or her lightsaber. It would arouse suspicion if you were without one." He looked scared at handling such an object.

"Don't worry," she reassured him playfully. "It won't explode on you. Only the earliest of lightsabers did that. And I can fight perfectly well with just one."

He still looked unsure, so she hopped into the driver's seat, beckoning him to sit next to her. He was a little apprehensive at the thought of Ahsoka driving, but got in regardless.

"I'm going to pretend that I don't know that you're a reckless driver," he said, not sure if he was trying to be humorous or if it was to hide his fear of what was ahead.

She kissed him lightly on the cheek, teasing. "It's one of the reasons I love you." She started the engine, and they were off.

They parked the speeder a few blocks away from the Jedi Temple. They jumped out, careful not to show that they weren't, in fact, Jedi. Lux had even smoothed his hair up in the Jedi padawan fashion as part of his disguise, and they both had padawan-like silka beads in their hair.

"This wool is so – itchy," complained Lux about his cloak.

"Well, get used to it, your Royal Highness. I know I have," she quipped mockingly. He just gave her a look.

The speeder slowed as the Jedi Temple neared, and Ahsoka started the descent down to street level to park. Soon they jumped out and made way towards their destination, which was only a few blocks away, but it was getting dark, so they hurried along.

Soon they were at the gate. But instead of going towards the security checkpoint, Ahsoka pulled Lux down a dark alleyway. They were headed right for a sewer.

"What are you doing? Why aren't we going to the checkpoint?" he asked, clearly confused.

"This is a new way to get in to the Temple," she said. "After the last time, I think that we might have some difficulties getting in the other way. So I went looking, and found this."

"Um, a sewer?"

"Yep. We don't want to take any chances." She turned on her single lightsaber and cut a round hole in the cover of the sewer, and, without hesitation, jumped in. Sighing like the posh Senator in him that sometimes became apparent, he hopped in after her.

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