Chapter Twenty: Breaking Out

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Ahsoka and the group of younglings used the elevator to get down to a floor relatively calm in terms of fighting, and from there climbed into the vents. Sliding down a number of the air ducts, they soon arrived at the one just above the main hangar. There they found the other padawans and younglings that she had sent to hide.

“What are we going to do?” whispered the older padawan, Zadyn, from earlier. “There are clones guarding all of the ships!” 

Ahsoka thought about this. “Hm. One by one we might be able to make it to one of the gunships,” she replied, and opened the vent’s cover. “It would be a little crowded, but I think that all of us could fit inside one of them. You go first, and show the younglings the way. I’ll pilot.” 

“Do you even know how to fly it?” 

“Well, there’s a first time for everything. Now move it!” 

They did as she proposed. One by one, each padawan or youngling dropped quietly from the vent and sped without a sound towards cover near the gunship. Soon, it was Ahsoka’s turn. Darting from the vent and to their location, she signaled that they could get into the ship. 

She pushed the button to get into the pilot’s seat, and put two of the older padawans as gunners. Then they closed the blast doors, which got the Clone Troopers’ attention, but it was too late for them to do anything to hinder them.

Ahsoka fiddled with the controls some more, and the gunship took off, with laser shots saluting their escape. If Lux had done as promised, and she was certain that he had, then there would be a ship waiting for them at Landing Strip 1129 in Coruscant’s industrial sector. 

After a smooth ride, they arrived at the landing strip where they would find their means of escape. There was a collective gasp of admiration, for their ride was a second-hand, but new, freighter. They quickly extended the hatch and ran aboard. 

A quick check revealed that the fuel supply was good, and all of the ship’s important workings were in great condition. Positioning two of the more experienced younglings at the controls and sending the rest to the back, Ahsoka pulled a lever, and their freighter took off. Soon, all they saw were stars flying by as they engaged lightspeed. 

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